Chapter 27

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Louis' POV
I'm worried about Harry. The happiness that used to be in his eyes was no longer there. He had bruises on him. I know it's not my place to get involved, but I still love him. I just hope he'll come to me before it goes too far.
"Louis? I-I mean dad?" I heard Courtney say.
"Would you like me to make us something to eat?" Courtney asked.
"No thanks. How about you go play with Freddie. I'll make dinner. How does pasta sound?"
"That sounds great." Courtney then began to walk over to where Freddie was but I stopped her.
"You don't have to call me dad if you don't want to. Louis is fine."
"I want to." Courtney then continued over to Freddie and sat down by him. I headed to the kitchen and began to cook.

Courtney's POV
It's weird having another sibling, but Louis did say the mom kind of dumped Freddie on him. But I won't blame Louis or Freddie. We played with some blocks until Louis called us for dinner. I picked up Freddie and carried him into the kitchen.
"You didn't have to do that. I would have gotten him."
"It's okay. Besides I help out with my youngest sibling Micah all the time."
Dinner was silent for a while. I think Louis just didn't know what to talk about with me.
"Courtney I know this is not ideal, but I hope you will let me get to know you." Louis said.
"Of course, let's see. There's not much to tell. I like to read, sing, photography, and writing. I'm not really good at sports like Henrik though."
"Do you like Football(soccer)?" Louis asked.
"I don't really like to sit and watch it. I would rather go to a physical game."
"I used to play a lot of it when I was younger." Louis said.
"Really? Maybe that is where Henrik gets it from because he certainly didn't get it from Papa Harry." I said causing Louis to laugh.
"That is true." Louis said as he wiped Freddie's face.
The rest of dinner was pretty pleasant. I insisted on washing the dishes and once that was done. I helped Louis get Freddie ready for bed. I then went to my room took a shower and took my medication and headed downstairs to watch a movie with my dad Louis. I wouldn't mind spending more time with him. I'm actually looking forward to it. I just hope Papa Harry won't pay for it.

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