Chapter 23

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Courtney's POV
I heard some shouting downstairs earlier but I don't know what it was about. Henry came to check on me, but I said I was fine and then he went to his room. I got up off my bed and opened my bedroom door to see no one in the hall. I knocked on Papa Harry's bedroom door.
"Go away Niall!" I heard my papa shout.
"Papa it's me, Courtney." I said and then heard the bedroom door unlock and saw my papa with tears even though he tried to wipe them away.
"What is it sweetie?" Papa Harry asked.
"Are you okay, papa?" I asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine, your dad and I just got into a little argument is all." My papa said but I could tell it was more than that.
"Can we talk in your room?" I asked and he nodded and moved out of the way and let me in and shut the door.
We both sat on the bed and he sighed.
"I'm sorry Courtney. I'm sorry you and your siblings have to hear your dad and I fight." Papa said.
"It's okay. " I said.
"No it's not. You and your siblings don't deserve that which is why I think it would be best if either we go stay at my mom's or if you want, you and Henrik can stay with Louis until Niall and I come to an agreement." Papa said.
"Are you and Papa Niall going to get a divorce?" I asked .
"I'm not sure. I know that you and your brother have noticed things being a little tense with us and I don't get me wrong I love your papa Niall, but I have to think of you kids first." Papa said.
"Whatever decision you make Papa, I'll support you." I said with a smile and hugged him.
"So did you find out what was happening with my pills?" I asked.
"Your brother Jeremiah has been taking them and selling them and is being punished for it." Papa Harry said and I nodded.
"Would you be mad if I wanted to stay with Papa Louis for a bit? Just maybe until things calm down at home, you know between Jeremiah, you, and papa Niall.
"If that's what you want, that's fine, but not until your next break." Papa said and I nodded.
I then headed back to my room after giving a kiss to papa Harry and went to bed.

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