Chapter 18

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Harry's POV
It was Saturday and my lawyer called me and needed me to talk to Courtney to see if she was going to press charges against Grayson.
I got up from the kitchen table after drinking my coffee and headed upstairs and knocked on Courtney's door. No answer. She's probably still sleeping. I thought with a sigh, but turned the door knob anyway. I opened the door slightly and saw Courtney still in her pajamas looking at one of her pill bottles with a sigh.
I knock on her door and she looked up quickly.
"Oh papa, I-I didn't see you there. I-I'm sorry." Courtney stuttered and put her pill bottle down. I opened her door more to come in and shut it and then went to sit on her bed by her.
"Are you alright dear? You were looking at your medication awfully hard." I chuckled.
"Oh I'm sorry. I j-just might need a refill soon. That's all." Courtney said.
Didn't she just get a refill in the beginning of the month? Her pills are supposed to last her a month at a time and the month isn't even over yet? I thought.
"So what did you need papa?" Courtney said snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Oh, have you thought about what you want to do about Grayson?" I asked.
"A part of me wants to go to court, but part of me doesn't." Courtney said.
"What is your heart telling you love?" I asked.
"To go to court, you always taught me that if someone hits you that's not love. I do want Grayson to pay, but I'm scared about going to court. What if I lose? I'm so worried about everyone at school hating me because of Grayson being so popular." Courtney said with tears forming.
"They won't hate you and if they do, they are not worth your tears. That means they never really cared about you and we'll either home school you or find a better school." I said.
"I'll do it if you'll be by my side Papa." Courtney said.
"Of course." I said with a smile.
"But you have to promise me something papa." Courtney said.
"If we do this and we win then you have to get help with dad." Courtney said
"What are you-?" I started but she cut me off.
"Don't think that Henrik, Jeremiah and I don't see it. I mean Nolan no longer lives here and Micah is too young to understand what's going on, but all three of us see it. We see the sadness in your eyes, and every once in a while Henrik or I will notice you wince or grown in pain. So please promise me after everything with Grayson is done, we will figure out a solution for you and Daddy Niall." Courtney said. I was in shock that she figured out something was wrong, but nodded anyway. I then hugged her and I should of been the one comforting her but she was comforting me.
"It's okay Papa. It'll be okay." Courtney said and I don't know what came over me but I just cried in my daughter's arms until lunch.

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