Chapter 12

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Harry's POV
The next morning I woke up to see that the bed was still empty. Getting up I showered and quickly changed into some black jeans, a pink t shirt with a red flannel and my brown boots. I brushed my teeth and ran my fingers through my hair, not feeling like styling it. I put some make up on my bruised cheek. I then knocked on Courtney's bedroom and then Henrik's telling them to get ready. I went downstairs while they were getting ready and saw Niall still passed out on the couch. I got a glass of water and some aspirin out and put it on the table and went back to the kitchen to make breakfast. I made some eggs, bacon and pancakes. Just as I placed the food on the table Courtney and Henrik came down along with Jeremiah holding Micah and placing him on one of the chairs.
"Eat up." I said and made some coffee and sat down while it was brewing and made my own plate.
"Do you two have everything you need until Friday?" I asked Courtney and Henrik.
"Yes Papa." Courtney said and I looked at Henrik and he nodded.
"Papa! Play?" Micah asked me.
"After breakfast." I said.
"Yay!" Micah said excited.
"Papa can I go out with some friends after breakfast?" Jeremiah asked.
"Fine but be back by curfew." I said.
"Papa look!" Micah said and smashed his hand onto his eggs.
"Micah. Don't play with your food." I said and grabbed a napkin and wiped his hands.
"I sorry!" Micah said giving me a big smile.
"It's okay now finish up and we'll play." I said.
I then heard a groan and figured Niall had woken up with his hangover but I stayed in the kitchen.
"I'm done." Henrik said.
"Me too." Courtney said.
"You didn't eat your bacon?" I asked Courtney.
"Papa I'm a vegetarian I have been for about two years already." Courtney said.
"Right. Sorry I forgot." I said with a sigh. I'm such a bad dad. I can't even remember that my daughter was a vegetarian but then again I barely spend time with her or the kids lately because of work. What kind of bad am I?
I then felt a pressure against my chest. I looked to see Courtney hugging me.
"It's okay. I know your busy. But I still love you." Courtney said with a smile.
"What's going on?" I heard Niall say as he walked into the kitchen holding his head. I sighed and made him a plate and set it down.
"Nothing. Here's your breakfast." I said and went over to Micah and cleaned him up and he ran off to get some toys. Jeremiah handed me his plate and then waved bye and left.
"Why don't you two go make sure you have everything?" I said as I put the plate in the sink and began washing dishes.
"Where are they going?" Niall asked.
Just then there was a knock on the door. I turned off the sink and headed to the front door.
"Where are they going Harry?" I simply ignored him and opened the door.
"Louis? What is he doing here?" Niall asked confused.
"Courtney! Henrik!" I called.
"They should be ready soon! Come in." I said and Louis walked on in.
"Niall please stop glaring at Louis." I said with a sigh.
"Why? He's in my house! Why is here?" Niall groaned.
"Courtney and Henrik are spending spring break with Louis. Remember? I told you about it." I said biting my lip.
"Like hell they are! They are my children Harry! Why would you let them stay with this piece of crap!" Niall shouted.
"Hey! Don't talk to him like that." Louis shouted.
"I can talk to him however I want. He's my husband and I'm much better for him than you. Don't think I don't see what you're doing. You're just trying to get to know Courtney and Henrik to get to Harry." Niall shouted.
"Niall that's enough!" I shouted
Just then Courtney and Henrik came downstairs.
"Ready?" Louis asked them and they nodded.
"If you two need anything just call." I said
"We'll be fine. Right guys?" Louis said with his goofy grin that I fell in love with.
"Yeah. Bye papa! Bye Dad Niall!" Henrik and Courtney said and as soon as the door shut all of hell broke loose.
"What the hell Harry? Why didn't you tell me they were seeing Louis for spring break!" Niall shouted.
"Why does it matter! It's not like we're doing anything and besides I discussed it with you." I said
"No you didn't. You told me! Telling me something and discussing something with me are two different things!" Niall shouted as I walked past him.
"It's not my fault you were drunk when I told you." I shouted.
Niall then grabbed me by the wrists.
"Well maybe you should have been smarter and told me when I was sober." Niall seethed.
"What good would that do? You probably would have reacted the same way. Am I right?" I said.
Niall tightened his grip.
"I told you to tell me when you were doing anything involving him!" Niall shouted.
"I'm sorry. Niall please just let go. You're hurting me." I said.
Niall then released my wrist and slapped me.
"Honestly I don't get how you can be so stupid sometimes." Niall said and walked away and I heard a door slam making me flinch. I wiped my tears and went to find Micah.
I found him in the play room.
"Papa!" Micah said running over.
"Hey buddy. Whatcha playing?" I asked.
"House! Play wif me?" Micah asked.
"Of course!" I said with a genuine smile. Seems like only my kids could make me genuinely smile as of late.
We then spent the rest of the day playing house, dress up and vet.
I hoped that Courtney and Henrik would be okay with Louis for a few days. I honestly didn't want them around Niall and I if we we're going to be fighting.

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