Chapter 15

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Courtney's POV
Today was the first day of break with Louis and it went pretty smoothly other than my brother Henrik being a grump, but I expected that. I am hoping that once he sees me having a good time he will come around. I mean our papa Harry explained everything so I really hope he gives our dad Louis a chance.
"I'm so glad the day is over!" Henrik said collapsing on the bed.
"You do know I'm staying in this room right? You can go to your room." I said.
"Aw come on sis, let me stay awhile." Henrik said with a pout.
"No." I said.
"Aw come on." Henrik begged again, just as I was about to respond there was a knock on the door.
I got up off my bed and opened the door to see our dad Louis with his phone.
"Sorry, we're Henry and I too loud?" I asked
"No, your dad Harry wanted to talk to you two but accidentally dialed me instead." Louis said.
"Here you go Harry. I'll talk to you later."
"Okay. I'll get this back to you soon." I said and took the phone.
"No rush, besides your brother probably wants to talk to him more than me. I'll just finish up dinner." Louis said and I could hear the sadness in his voice but I didn't say anything.
I then hugged him which probably caught Louis off guard but he needed it.
I pulled away and smiled at him and shut the door as I saw him walking away.

Louis POV
Once I have Courtney the phone I was not expecting her to hug me. I could tell she would warm up quicker to me than Henry. I pretended to walk away and once she shut the door I went back to the door to listen to the conversation.
"Hey papa. You're on speaker. Henry is with me." Courtney said.
"H-hey you two how is it going?" Harry stuttered.
Why was he stuttering though? He never stutters on the phones. Why has he started doing that?
"The first day went pretty well. I like Louis. Although, Henry is still giving him a hard time." Courtney said.
"How can you say you like Louis? He was never there!" Henry shouted.
"Henrik Edward! How many times do I have to tell you! He didn't leave! I left! Please for me just give him a chance. Don't blame him for leaving when I was the one that left him." I heard Harry say.
"Fine , but don't expect me to be happy about it." Henry said
"I don't, but Henry give him a chance. It may not seem like it but your father know more about you than you think." Harry said and that was true, I have been to his games, his school events and more all at a distance, but I was there.
"Courtney I am proud you are giving him a chance. A-anyway I just wanted to say goodnight and I'll see you Friday morning." I heard Harry say.
"Bye papa." I heard Henry and Courtney say.
I then walked down the steps quickly and began to make my favorite dish for Henry and I of course and I decided to make just some simple pasta for Courtney since she was a vegetarian.
I then heard someone coming down the steps as I set the table.
"Here's your phone." Courtney said handing it to me and Henry already sitting at the table.
"Thank you, I just made some pasta for you since I'm not sure what you eat yet with being a vegetarian and Henry I made one of your favorites chicken breast wrapped in ham, homemade mashed potatoes and gravy."
"How did you know it's my favorite?" Henry asked as I set it on the table and then set the pasta on the table.
"I made it quite a bit when you were younger. You always ate it and I know your father Harry makes it quite a bit for you." I said.
"Thank you." Henry said which is progress.
"You're welcome. Let's eat." I said and sat down along with Courtney.
We all then dug in and got to know each other better. The day started out rough but maybe the rest of the week will go well.

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