~Harry~ (57)

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I gazed over the jewelry displays and ran my fingers through my Harry anxiously. We were finally back in London and my plan was only just beginning. I still need to tell the guys and all Les friends but I knew I would need their help in getting her to the right place at the right time. I had to call my mom she going to freak out or maybe she wouldn't be surprised at all. The amount of times she said Leslie was the one and I was stupid for letting her go was endless. There was so much to do. I was anxious, excited, and petrified all at the same time.
"I am sure she will love whatever you get her." Florence voice rang through the phone. I had her on FaceTime to get her suggestions. I ran my fingers through hair again, "It can't just be anything. It has to be perfect."
"Don't get in your head Harry. You're overthinking it. You know she is going to say yes and she is going to love anything that you do big or small."
I sighed slowly, "I know that but I can't mess anything up. It's gotta be perfect after everything we have been through it all needs to be perfect."
"It will be." She said encouraging and then I saw it. I knew she liked simple. I wanted to get her the biggest and most gaudy looking thing but everything about Leslie was the opposite. She was simple, steady, and it's why I loved her. She grounded me and was balanced. A simple golden band with small diamonds on the side and princess cut diamond in the middle.


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Angelic. Just like her. It was perfect. I didn't care about the price. I immediately signaled the jeweler.
"Excellent choice sir."
"Do you have it in a six?"
"We can get it resized and will be ready to pick up later today."
"Thank you." I nodded politely and quickly dialed our group chat. The boys all answered the face time call.
"Well it isn't old Harold?" Louis nodded smugly, "Nice to see you take time from your busy acting career to call us." I chuckled, "Yeah well I have an announcement."
"Well if it's about how much you're worth now we don't need to know." Niall chimed into the Louis banter.
"Are you two done now?"
They shrugged lightly.
"Alright look. You guys can't tell everybody okay because I don't want this spreading around but I am going to propose to Leslie."
"Well it's about fucking time you did mate!" Louis threw his hands in the air, "I thought I was going to be havin a full head of gray hair by time you grew the stones to marry her." Niall started laughing and Liam nodded,
"Yeah man. Maddie has been driving me crazy about when you were going to pop the question."
"I plan to in three weeks. You guys can tell the girls because I want you all to be there. I need their help later but they can't tell her anything."
"I don't know about that Sab is pretty bad at keeping secrets mate."
"I fucking heard that!" Sabs voice echoed from the distance and she suddenly appeared next to Louis. She smacked him firmly on the back of the head.
"Least Leslie doesn't abuse him. That's why she's getting a ring and you're not." She rolled her eyes,
"Like I want to be chained to your ass for the rest of my life anyway." She waved at me lightly, "Really happy for you Harry and I promise my lips are sealed."
"Thanks Sab. I will text everyone later with all the details. I appreciate all the help."
"Of course man." Liam smiled warmly, "You know we are here to support you both through anything."
Niall smiled, "Ditto. We've got your back Harry. We will be there."
"Thank you guys." I said again before quickly hanging up. The next person to call was my mother. I exhaled quickly and dialed her number,
"Hey Mom."
"Hello Harry. I wasn't expecting to hear from you today."
"Yeah well I have something really important to tell you. I wanted to come by but I have a lot of errands to run today."
"That's alright, what is it you wanna tell me?"
"I'm finally going to do it. I'm proposing to Leslie."
"Oh my goodness are you serious?!"
"Yes. I am picking up the ring later today. My friend Florence is helping me get things organized. I am trying to keep everything a secret as best as possible."
"Do the boys know and what about her friends?"
"Just told them earlier they are going to help me plan everything out."
"That's so wonderful Harry. Oh I am so happy for you. She is beautiful and I knew. I told you Harry. I always knew she was the one."
I chuckled lightly, "You were right mom."
"You didn't listen to me back then but look where we are now."
I couldn't help but smile, "Yes mom. Yes you were right okay. I just really hope she says yes. I don't know what I would do without her."
"Oh I know she will Harry. You two were made for each other even with the struggles and differences you found your way back to each other."
"Yeah you're right about that also."
"I am so happy for you Harry and proud of you. Oh my goodness I can't believe I will be a grandma soon."
"I think you're jumping ahead a little aren't you mom?"
"Don't destroy my dreams Harry Edward Styles. I have waited a long time for this. I know just don't go telling anyone that. Leslie will kill me if people start thinking she's pregnant."
"Oh I am not going to say anything to anyone. I promise."
"Thanks mom. I love you."
"I love you too."
I had the ring and now just had to make the rest of the arrangements.

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