~Harry~ (19)

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"I'm sorry my presence is completely unbearable to you." I shrugged slightly before sitting back in a yellow velvet chair. I leaned back in the chair and began peeling an orange. I tossed the remains into the small trash can next to me and placed a small piece in his mouth.
"So that's it then. That's all you have to say."
"Pretty much." I shrugged again before swallowing,
"I don't know what else you want from me."
She crossed her arms over her chest,
"Why are you here?"
"I like the pizza." I said sarcastically avoiding eye contact with her.
She rolled her eyes,
"Don't be a smart ass."
"Well now early you actually said I was a dumbass so which one is it?"
"Harry." She huffed stomping my foot slightly, "You know what I mean."
"No I don't Leslie." I suddenly stood up hovering over her my gaze intently looking into hers. The specks of gold in her eyes seemed to glimmer but I wasn't going to be distracted by them this time.
"What do you want from me? Tell me. Your standing here once again trying to start a fight but you don't have any foundation for one."
"I am not starting a fight. You-"
"I what Leslie. Tell me what I did this time that was so fucking horrible and completely messed up your weekend. I'm sorry that I don't keep a copy of your schedule and take the time to plan my performances around yours. Believe it or not. Everything I do doesn't revolve around you." I turned away from her wiping my hand over my mouth. I felt hot and my breathing was growing heavier, "Fuck this!" I kicked the trash can over and ran my arms over the vanity in my dressing room knocking everything onto the floor.
When I turned back around both of her hands were cupped around her mouth in shock. I felt immediately guilty.
"Les." I took a step towards her but she held her hand up and backed away from me. She started shaking her head back and forth frantically. Her breath was shaken.
"I can't do this." She sniffed lightly as tears streamed down her cheeks and sat down in front of the closet door.
"Shit." I muttered under my breath as I came over her and crouched down in front of her. I reached my hand out to touch her arm but she shoved me away
"Don't touch me!"
"Well damn it Les! I'm trying."
She tilted her head down holding her faces into her hands as she cried.
"Look at me. Les. Come on, look at me."
She tilted her head up slowly, I brushed some of hair back behind her ear,
"I'm sorry okay. I'm sorry if I hurt you or scared you but I am tired of apologizing for shit in the past I can't change or undo. You said you things to stay as they were. Like we never knew each other. So I did that. I got over you Les." Which stung to say because it was actually a fucking lie. It was killing me to see her cry but also killing me that I couldn't just kiss her and make all the pain disappear.
She nodded her head and wiped the tears away from her eyes,
"It's not your fault. Not everything. I owe you an apology to."
I shook my head, "You don't need to."
"Yeah I do. I should have before. I did make you feel guilty even after you apologized and I was a bitch for that."
I couldn't help but smile,
"Why the sudden change of heart? I guess Liam must be really motivational."
She shook her head from side to side, "He's an idiot and too persistent."
I chuckled, "But his heart was in the right place."
"I'm apologizing because I know there were things I was still holding onto. I thought I let it all go but seeing you again and the way things were. Stuff we said. It was all too much. I was more hurt than I thought I was."
"I'm sorry." I still wanted to kiss her but I pushed the thought away.
"I heard you sing tonight. We both did."
"Really?" I tilted my head curiously.
"The songs were good; makes me curious as to what 'hard candy' women has you all flustered." She made quotes with her fingers as she said the words.
I began rubbing the back of my neck slowly and shifted my gaze to the wall,
"Rather not talk about it."
"Liam implied it was me."
I smiled faintly before running my hand over my mouth,
"Well Liam has a big mouth and creative imagination."
"But he doesn't lie though."
"I really don't know if I want to be having this conversation you right now."
She sighed, "Oh come on Harry." She shoved my knee which caused me to fall backwards where I was sitting fully on the floor,
"If it is just say it. I promise to not get mad."
"You promise?" I asked skeptically.
"Pinky promise." She stuck her left pinky out towards me.
I scoffed lightly,
"What are we 11?"
She rolled her eyes, "Now who is being a stick in the mud."
"Alright I use a lot of different people in my music."
"And these songs are about me? Or at least the first one?"
I ran my fingers through my hair before dragging my fingers over my mouth,
"Your doing that thing so that tells me I am right."
"What thing?" I asked in slight offense.
"The mouth thing. You always run hand over your mouth or like cover your mouth when your anxious. I don't why you just do."
"Oh really." I nodded my head lightly,
"Well you know what you do. Is you make these little like doe eyes whenever you are sad and it guilt trips people into shit. Or the way you like start rubbing your forehead randomly when you're stressed out."
"Okay I thought you said not everything was about me."
"It's not."
"So why are all your songs?" She witted back before crossing her arms.
"You." I pointed at her before running my hand over my mouth again.
"I what."
"You drive me up the wall."
"All I want is to get the truth. There. That is what I want from you."
"Fine. Okay yes. Is that what you want to hear."
"Yes finally. If it is true then yes; it's what I want to hear. I just have one question though."
"Hard candy dripping on me till my feet are wet!"
I covered my face with my hands,
"Really. Really. Like where the hell did you get that from. We didn't do it that often back then. And I know I never said nothing about having a damn baby!"
"Okay stop." I took ahold of both her hands and stopped them from continuing to flail around as she spoke.
"It wasn't necessarily about anything we did back then. Okay." I let go over her hands and ran my fingers through my hair again,
"Surely they have the building evacuated by now."
"Oh don't back down on me now Styles. The conversation was just getting good. Like I said we didn't do much so either you imagined that shit or did something with someone else."
"Look I never did- You know what I am not going to say anything else."
"You better spill the beans sport because all I have to go do is ask Liam. I am sure he will gladly tell me what it's all about."
"Alright now your playing dirty."
"Well based on this song I think your the one that's has the dirty little secret."
I exhaled,
"Alright look, seeing you again, brought back things for me. Things I thought I had forgotten and let go of as well."
"You really wanted to get back together didn't you?"
I could see the curiosity in her eyes. Her genuine kindness radiated through.
"I wanted whatever you did but yeah I guess a part of me wondered if it was possible but then it wasn't."
Her gaze suddenly shifted to the floor. She was no longer smiling.
I shook my head and started to stand up,
"See this is why I didn't want to talk about this. I just sound like an idiot."
She took ahold of my arm before I could stand,
"No wait. You don't sound like an idiot. I'm fine. Really I am. I'm glad your being honest. It's just a lot to take in."
"Look, it doesn't matter then. What happened in the past. All of it."
She looked at the floor again.
"I know that it won't ever be the way that it was but maybe we can start over."
She tilted her head curiously as her gaze returned to mine. God I missed those eyes.
"Friends?" I shrugged lightly and held out my hand towards her. She looked at me a bit skeptically for a few moments,
"Sure." She replied softly. I took her hand and pulled us both up onto her feet. Just then a knock came at the door.
"Guys?!" It was Liam.
"Hey the coast is the clear we are good to leave now."
"It's about time." Leslie huffed as I cleared the way to the door and unlocked it again. She smiled at me as she left and I couldn't help but smile left. She didn't love me but at least she didn't hate me. I didn't know where this would lead but I wasn't going to fuck it up again.

Love You Goodbye - Harry Styles (Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now