~Harry~ (45)

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"Alright everyone this next announcement is going to be quite shocking. I know I was floored when I heard it. I am so Sorry we have to disappoint the ladies in the audience but Harry Styles is officially.....no longer single."

I smiled a bit bashfully running my hand over my mouth. I had been anticipating this interview I knew after my performance last week that James was going to rail road me.

He glanced over to me with a cheeky smile,

"It is true right? That is our important announcement."

"I guess it is now." I nodded a bit reluctantly.

"Oh, come off it Harry! We know the truth. We've seen the pictures! Hell we saw the bloody concert act and the fudging fashion show. There's no denying it anymore!"

I started laughing but tried to maintain my composure, "It is true. I am no longer single."

The audience cheered and I was kind of surprised by it.

James crossed his arms,
"Well, yippe for you."

"Are you not excited for me James?"

"Oh, I am thrilled." He Sarcastically replies, "Thrilled I wasn't kept in the damn loop! We are supposed to be friends Harry."

"We are friends James." I tried to retract my growing smile

"Apparently not close ones." He turned his chair away from my in a disappointing manner and I began to chuckle,

He rapidly spun back around and pointed at me,
"You know I asked you a few months ago about this and you just lied to my face."

Shrugs slightly, "I mean it was one of things where we just didn't know how things were going to go. It took a while to get to this point. We didn't want to immediately have opinions of the media."

"And I can respect that. But do you really think of me as just a member of the media."

"Not at all James. If it makes you feel better I will give you a personal invite to the wedding."

"Am I the first person Your asking?"

"Officially yes."

"Do I get a front row seat?"

"Yes, very front row."

"I'll think about it." He said side-eyeing me slightly, "Now tell us what it takes for someone to finally snag you off the market."

"To be honest it was more like me trying to win her over."

"So she's the prize then? You were pursuing her."

"Kinda sorta."

"Kinda sorta my ass you saw her at the run way show and folded is what happened to you and the next time you were there you were like pucker up baby!"

I started laughing and immediately covered my face in embarrassment,
"That's one way of putting it." I shook my head from side to side, "And now I suddenly regret it."

James gestured towards me, "You know I watched that show and I have seen others. Like I know Leslie and this whole thing makes me asks what the bloody hell she sees in you?!"

I leaned forward and put my face in my hands shaking my head slightly before slowly leaning back up trying to stay composed, "Yeah I ask myself that question also."

"I mean let's face it you may be after all, Harry Styles, but she's a freaking Victorias Secret Model. Which is like every mans fucking dream, right!"

I nodded my head slowly,
"Stunning is definitely an understatement she is absolutely amazing."

Love You Goodbye - Harry Styles (Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now