~Leslie~ (54)

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My eyelids fluttered open. I was alone I sat slowly glancing around the trailer. On countertop across the room was a rose and a note. I stood up pulling the sheets over my bare body and as I searched my suitcase for my silk robe. I wrapped the robe around me and made my way over to the kitchenette. I smiled seeing his handwriting.

Morning Beautiful,
I am sorry I had to leave so early.
I would've woken you up but you looked to beautiful

(He was always so dramatic)

We have a press conference this morning and will be doing interviews all afternoon. I will see you tonight. I miss you.


I sighed slowly. I couldn't lie and say that I wasn't disappointed but I could find a way to spend my time. I checked my phone and saw a text from Barbara

In town for a photoshoot want to meet up?

Perfect. I clicked on her number and immediately called her running my nails over the counter top.
I wasn't expecting on running into Chris while we were out. Barb and I went shopping and browsing around the nearby mall. Which didn't go without the obvious paparazzi interference. Dylan met with us for lunch at a private rooftop restaurant and went to the theater afterwards. It was at the restaurant we saw Chris. He was having a meeting with his manager but after that he was dining. I felt sort bad and he seemed to get along well with Dylan and Barbara so I invited him to stay. He went to the theater with us afterwards. All throughout the performance I couldn't help but glance at my phone to see if I had any texts from Harry. Nothing. Once the play was over Chris invited all of us to dinner and drinks. I hesitated as Barbara and Dylan were both attending the local fashion show tonight and I was accompanying them. Technically Barbara and I were both invited the perks of being a model is you can attend any show you like RSVP or not. I would have liked to go with Harry but I suppose there's no harm in making Chris my plus one tonight. Barbara, Dylan and I all went back to their Airbnb to change before the show and would go to dinner afterwards. I chose a low cut red dress out of Barbara closet as we were close to the same size.

She wore a low, partial sweetheart cut tule dress

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She wore a low, partial sweetheart cut tule dress. Fitted and light grey.

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