~Harry~ (29)

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Ladies and Gentlemen Harry Styles

I heard the audience clapping and let out a slow exhale trying not to drag me feet as I walked out to the set. I smiled politely and waved at the audience before sitting down on the couch. I was barely recovered from my hangover and wasn't looking forward to the concert we had this evening. The last thing I wanted to do at this point was be hounded about this album. I couldn't really describe what I was feeling. I wasn't sad or angry. I didn't have any emotional reason to drink last night but I did anyways. I guess just in hopes that it would wash away the memories and I can start over with everything. This album was a journey and a farewell. I was letting go of everything. Of it all with her. I lost her and now I needed to let go. Permanently...

Jimmy smiled at me politely,

"So how is it going man? It's been a while since we have talked."

"Things are going pretty good."

"Well I mean you do have a knew album out now and I gotta say man." He pulled out a picture of the album cover,

" He pulled out a picture of the album cover,

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"This is really hot."
I couldn't help but chuckle feeling myself becoming slightly a little more relaxed,
"What was the though process behind the cover?"
I rubbed my jawline with my thumb slightly, "I mean honestly it wasn't really my idea. I kinda let my photographer do whatever."
"So this is Lloyds work?"
"Yeah we did a variety of different photo shoots and just decided on an image and then Mitch, my band mate, thought posting some of different lyrics over it would be a nice effect."
"Well it looks great. Now the album is called Love You Goodbye but your tour is called Cherry. Any connections with that?"
"Um it just kinda popped in my head; it also could reference a song that wasn't put on this album but I'm not allowed to talk about that." I chuckled lightly.
"Well at least the hint is helpful. Your go in us something but I wanna know some more of the inspiration that went into the album because a lot of fans are saying if you listen to them in order they all tell as story."
I forced a smile on to my face, "It's a good hypothesis. I'll admit this album was a journey to write as are the events that it's based off of. Lot of it covers the messy aspects of loving someone whole heartedly."
"Not anyone in particular."
My jaw flexed lightly, "I've lost a lot of people I have cared about over the years and some have impacted me more than others."
"How would you summarize this album?"
"That life is messy. No one is perfect but if you can find someone to share that rocky and chaotic journey with there is nothing more special than that."
"So well put and now ladies and gentlemen we are in for a treat as Harry is going to perform one of these tracks from his album live."
With my guitar in my hands and the microphone in front of me I tried to steady my breathing. The words that I wrote to her filled my mind. I tried blocking out the images of her in my mind but they flooded me. After all the song was about her,

Days ache and nights are long
Five years and still you're not gone
Guess I'm still holding on
Drag my name through the dirt
Somehow it doesn't hurt though
Guess you're still holding on
You told your friends you want me dead
And said that I did everything wrong
And you're not wrong
Well I'll take all the vitriol
But not the thought of you moving on
'Cause I'm not ready
To find out you know how to forget me
I'd rather hear how much you regret me
And pray to God that you never met me
Than forget me
Oh I hate to know I made you cry
But love to know I cross your mind
Babe oh I
Even after all it'd still wreck me
To find out you'd know how to forget me
Even after all this time
Days ache and nights are grey
My heart is still your place babe
Guess I still feel the same
Know you can't stand my face
Some scars you can't erase babe
Guess you still feel the same
Well I'll take all the vitriol
But not the thought of you moving on
'Cause I'm not ready
To find out you know how to forget me
I'd rather hear how much you regret me
And pray to God that you never met me
Than forget me
Oh I hate to know I made you cry
But love to know I cross your mind
Babe oh I
Even after all it'd still wreck me
To find out you'd know how to forget me
Even after all this time
I'm not ready to let you forget me
To let you forget me
To let you for oh
I'm not ready to let you forget me
(Even after all this time)
To let you forget me
To let you for oh
I'm not ready to let you forget me
To let you forget me
To let you for oh
I'm not ready to let you forget me
To let you forget me
To let you for oh
'Cause I'm not ready
To find out you know how to forget me
I'd rather hear how much you regret me
And pray to God that you never met me
Than forget me
Oh I hate to know I made you cry
But love to know I cross your mind
Babe oh I
Even after all it'd still wreck me
To find out you'd know how to forget me
Even after all this time

Love You Goodbye - Harry Styles (Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now