~Harry~ (43)

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I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her closer into me peppering kisses across her shoulder until a smile formed on her lips,
"Good morning." I mumbled into her skin and stroked my fingers through her hair.
"Morning." She replied with a warm smile. I kissed her lips softly, "It's a shame it's our last day of vacation." She smiled again softly before stroking my jawline with the back of her hand, "I was just staring to have fun." She smirked lightly and I immediately kissed her more firmly, "Maybe it doesn't have to end so soon."
She sat up and pulled her black satin robe over her body, "I would love to be I have to get on a flight to Shanghai today."
I smiled deeply as I leaned in closer to her, "What if I came with you?"
She shook her head from side to side, "As sweet as that is, you have a show to do."
"Yeah I do which is why I can go."
She furrowed her brows together, "What do you mean?"
"What if I told you I got asked to perform at your fashion show in Shanghai?" Her eyes suddenly lit up with excitement, "Are you serious?!"
"I leave tomorrow morning." A large smile emerged over her lips followed by a light squeal of excitement as climbed onto my lap and straddled me. She began to pepper kisses along my neck and collarbone driving me absolutely insane but I contained my composure,
"I take it you're excited." She nodded her head and kissed my lips. My hands gripped ahold of her hips,
"What so you post pone your flight and we go together?"
"I really wish I could but I can't. I have to fly with everyone else plus it would look suspicious. We aren't public yet."
"So let's go public then." I shrugged my shoulders lightly, "There's no point in keeping it a secret anymore."
She let out a small sigh, "Harry. I want to I just."
"Leslie I love you."
She looked at me softly.
"And I have loved you from the day I first laid eyes on you and I have no intention of ever letting go. I have never wanted anyone else nor ever thought of anyone else. You are my only and I want to share the rest of my life with you. I don't care about what the public says; I choose you and always will."
"Harry." She said my name in  a slightly broken voice Her eyes watering with tears. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her into my chest,
"I don't know what I would do without you." I held her tighter and stroked my hands through her hair before kissing her lips softly.
"We just have to find the right time."
I nodded my head, "We should probably find a way to tell everyone first though." She nodded her head and suddenly loud voices were coming from outside her balcony window that overlooked the pool,
"Speaking of everyone else." She rolled her eyes playfully before getting off the bed and going to the glass doors. I got up and followed her only see Liam and Louis cannonballing into pool. Music was blaring and it wouldn't surprise me if they already tapped into the morning liquor. Leslie opened the doors and stepped out on the balcony but I stayed inside. They didn't seem to notice her standing there.
"I wonder how we should tell them?" I asked while chuckling slightly at their banter. She shook her head and smirked at me slightly, "I dont know but I always wondered what their reaction would be if I did this." She came up towards me and stood up on her toes to kiss me. Her tongue grazed over my bottom lip as he nails raked over my chest and wrapped around my neck. I kissed her firmly and gripped onto her hips as we stumbled backwards onto the balcony. The kiss intensified quickly and a loud groan caused us to break away,
"I think I am going to throw up!" Louis called out as a gagging sound erupted from him. Liam looked furious and stunned as he pointed at us,
"I knew it!! I fucking knew it!"
I couldn't help but smile as I continued to kiss her leaving the boys in absolute awe.
I watched as she anxiously fidgeted with the rings on her fingers. As she waited in anticipation.
"Leslie!" Madisons voice rang out boldly. Leslie winced and partially closed her eyes as Madison stormed into the kitchen,
"You wanna tell me why I am the last person to find out about you too?"
"Oh come on Maddie you're not the last one."
"Sabrina knew days before."
"That's because of accident she walked in when I."
Madison held up her hand, "She told me the story."
"Look I swear we were going to tell everybody. It just took a while."
She shook her head from side to side before sighing, "Im still mad but as long as you're happy. I can't be too upset with you."
She pointed at me, "You better make her happy Styles."
I smirked before placing my hands on Leslies waist, "She hasn't given me any complaints so far." I placed a kiss on her cheek and she smiled softly, "Yeah so far."
I chuckled lightly before kissing her cheek and then her neck. Madison smiled brightly, "You two are so fucking adorable. Louis suddenly waltzed, "Alright enough of this mushy crap. It is our last day of freedom we should be partying."
Sabrina suddenly appeared in the entry way of the kitchen and scoffed, "Is that all your puny brain can think about?"
Louis flipped her off with a smile, "Just bringing in fun, love. It's what I do."
"Didn't realize you were thinking switching careers. Though I hear clowns do get prayed a pretty penny."
"Better watch yourself girlie. You know you love it. Every one does." He shot her a wink and she flipped him off. Leslie shook her head from side to side and I couldn't help but laugh. We spent the rest of the afternoon all relaxing by the pool and I had to admit I was having a hard time keeping my eyes off of her. It felt so odd but so relieving to no longer have to keep us a secret. I watched intensively as she rubbed tanning oil down her legs and arms. Her gaze suddenly shifted towards me and she smiled, "You know the view is that." She gestured towards the pool in front of us. I smiled,
"I know but I like view over here better." She smirked lightly and shook her head, "Well how about instead of just looking you come and give a girl a hand?" She didn't need to say anymore. I was out of my chair over by hers. I sat behind her so she could sit in between my legs. I put some of oil in my hands and began rubbing it up and down her back. My hands traveling closer to her hips. She moved her hair to one side and I could resist. I kissed her neck slowly as I continued to rub in the oil,
"Try to stay focused on the task Harry." My hands traveled around her sides and up her stomach and I felt her body lean in closer to mine, "I'm trying but you don't what you started." I could feel her smiling as my hands traveled down her hips again this time my fingers slipped under the lining of her bikini. Every touch bringing me more pleasure as I was reaching the point of edging. I could feel myself getting harder for her.
"Yeah well try to keep it your pants Styles, we are in public."
"So let's go some place?" I suggested mumbling into the skin of her neck.
"We can't. We are supposed to be spending time with everyone before we all have to go." She leaned forward and turned back to look at me, "So if you aren't going to be usual then run along." I huffed, "Fine. You can do this shit yourself." I stood up and started walking to the edge of the pool.
"Oh what are you going to pout now?"
"Maybe." I said back and dove into the pool.
"Awe poor baby Harry." She mocked me and made a firm pouting face. She rolled her eyes, "Your pathetic."
I smiled, "I love you too."
After we got out of the pool Liam fired up the grill while Louis practiced bartender and made us all drinks. We gathered around on the sofas around the fire pit just talking and laughing.
"So Les." Liam suddenly addressed her as he pulled the last few veggie kabobs off the grill,
"Now that the secrets out you can be honest with us."
Leslie tilted her head curiously her back resting against my chest,
"Honest about what?"
"How good Styles over here really is?" Liam smirked and I gave him an unamused look.
"Oh Liam that's gross." Madison scrunched her face and smacked him lightly on the arm.
"Oh come on like you girls weren't going to ask her about it later? Harry never tells us anything someone has to pour the tea."
"I mean I'm curious." Louis chimed in with a half smile and Sabrina scoffed, "Of course you are because you're a pig."
"Oink oink baby." He chimed back and she scoffed off.
"Now come Leslie I am serious give us a ranking 1-10."
Leslie shrugged, "Why so you can like compare scores later what does it matter? Nothing everything in a relationship is about sex Liam."
"So that means he sucks? Be honest you ever had to fake it?"
I shot Liam a wide eyed look but he ignored me.
Leslie scoffed, "Oh you mean fake as in what Madison has to do with you? No I haven't ever had too."
"Ooooo." Everyone said unanimously and I couldn't help but smile, "She's got you on that one Liam. Madison was even holding back smirk.
"Trust me I would know if she was faking." Liam added back defensively.
Madison scoffed, "Ha. No you wouldn't." And all three of the girls cackled loudly. I looked down at Leslie curiously as she smiled at Liam,
"Yeah hate to break it to guys but we girls have it really well mastered."
Sabrina smirked, "It's not like they are paying attention to what we say or feel anyways. Once they start going thats it." The girls all laughed again.
"Okay that proves it. You guys have all faked it."
The girls looked at each for a moment and nodded.
"I mean obviously." Sabrina spoke first. Then Madison furrowed her brows, "Yeah cause some of yall aren't exactly up to par." Leslie nodded before taking a sip of her drink,
"Yeah you guys think you get strike after strike but really it's just. Eh." All the girls smirked and Louis spoke up, "Doesn't sound like you do a good enough job Harry?" I glared at him and Leslie patted my cheek, "He gets the job done."
Sabrina scoffed while taking a sip of her drink, "That's the least you can ask for." And all the girls laughed once again and I found myself slightly on edge.
"Are you staying in here tonight?" Leslie asked as I walked her back up to her bedroom door.
I shrugged my shoulders,
She furrowed her brows, "Maybe? Don't start getting on me now Styles." She kissed me in such an alluring way but my mind was still distracted I couldn't focus on just her,
"I wanna know your answer to Liams question?"
She tilted her head in confusion, "What?"
"I want to know."
"Oh my gosh, Harry." She sighed and opened her door going inside. I quickly followed her and shut the door behind us.
"What's the big deal? If it's true I want to know."
"Just drop it okay."
"So is that my answer then? That I'm just a disappointment."
"Oh don't go acting insecure. Do I really need to tell you how you make me feel? I thought this week made it pretty fucking obvious."
"Yeah I thought it did too and now I don't know. Im curious but whatever you don't want to talk about, fine." I turned it back around and went towards the door.
"Fuck it what do you want me to say? Especially when we are in front of other people. That your beyond satisfying or the best I ever had. I'm not going to do that because it's no one's business. I don't buy into guys ego trips."
I turned around and looked at her and furrowed my brows, "So you haven't faked anything?"
She chuckled, "Oh my gosh. No. I haven't. Everything you have heard or felt was genuine." I smiled and immediately strode over to her. I took her face in my hands and kissed her. She kissed me back but only for a moment before pulling away, "Uh. Huh. You had your chance and you chose to bring this up."
"Then I take it all." I kissed her again and gripped ahold of her hips firmly,
"No." She said again while batting my hands away, "Im tired and have an early flight tomorrow."
"Oh come on baby."
"Out." She pointed to the door.
"Come on it was just a question."
"And you got a your answer."
"Come on." I stood in the doorway anxiously, "I have been waiting all day to get alone time with."
She shrugged, "Guess you will have to wait longer?"
I glanced down, "You can't leave me like this."
She nodded, "I can. If it's really that bad then go ask Louis to suck you off." With that she slammed the door shut in my face. I pressed my forehead against it,
"I love you."
"Go to sleep Harry." She called back faintly and I smiled before taking a long walk of shame back to my room. I hated it when she was petty but I guess I deserved it.

Love You Goodbye - Harry Styles (Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora