I seethe out while struggling to get his hands off me, trying to push him away from me. "I am not yours, I am my own person," I insist firmly, gritting my teeth as I try to break free from his grip.

"No, I'll make you mine"

Daniel pulled me closer to him, and before I could react, he pressed his lips against mine. His kiss was forceful and unpleasant, and I felt disgusted and violated. His lips were rough and tasted of bitter rage, and I felt dirty and violated. I wanted to scream and push him away, but his grip was too strong. I felt trapped and powerless, and I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. I struggled against him, trying to push him away, but he held me more tightly. I wanted to cry out in revulsion and anger, but all I could do was silently suffer and wish for it to end.

Daniel pulls away, his hand wrapped around my neck as he mutters quietly, "You don't see it now, but I'll help you princess"

I scream out, "LET GO OF M-", Daniel begins to forcefully kiss my neck, his lips pressing hard against my skin. His breath is hot and heavy, and I can feel his saliva dripping onto my neck. His grip is tight and I can feel his fingers digging into my skin as he presses me against him. His lips are rough and chapped, and they leave an unpleasant, dry feeling on my skin. I can feel his teeth grazing my skin and I want to scream out in pain and revulsion. I can feel my heart racing and my stomach churning with fear and anger. I want to push him away, but I am helpless against his strength.

"STOP! PLEASE STOP DANIEL", I scream out through my tears at the repulsive feeling in my veins from his touch.

"You'll be mine, Addy, one way or another", he mutters into my neck as if he is talking to himself as I cry softly to him, "This isn't you"

His head raised out of my neck as he stares at me with dark eyes as he whispers, "This was always me",

Daniel clamps down hard, his teeth sinking into my neck and sending shockwaves of pain through my body. I scream out in agony, my voice reverberating in the air. The pain is unbearable and tears begin streaming down my face as I struggle to break free from his grip. I can feel the salty taste of my tears mixing with the iron taste of my blood. I screamed out, "AHHHHHH! STOP PLEASE STOP IT HURTS, IT HURTS PLEASE".

I can feel something travelling in my veins, the agony so intense that I can barely breathe. It's like a fire raging inside me, burning through my veins and coursing through my body. My heart is pounding, my breath is shallow, and my muscles are tense with fear and rage. Tears are streaming down my face, and I can feel my body shaking uncontrollably. I can feel the anger and hatred radiating from Daniel, and I'm overwhelmed by the sense of powerlessness that I feel. I want to scream and fight back, but I'm so paralyzed by fear and pain that I can only stand there and cry. With a final cry, I scream out, "STOPP AHHHHH! KNOX! XANDER"

The pain is excruciating but I can't seem to break free from his iron grip. It feels like an eternity before he finally lets go and I am left gasping for breath.

Daniel's teeth sink deeper as he clamps down, and I let out an ear-piercing scream. His grip is so tight that I can barely move. With one swift motion, he slaps me with enough force to send me tumbling to the ground. I land with a thud and I can feel my throat throbbing from the rip of his teeth. I can taste the metallic tang of my blood, and I can feel my body trembling with fear and pain. I lay there, paralyzed with fear, as I felt the tears streaming down my face.

Daniel's voice was filled with fury as he shouted, "DON'T EVER SAY THEIR NAMES"

My agony and fear were so intense that I felt a coldness fill my bones and I felt completely disoriented to the forest around me. I felt like I was in a dream-like state, unable to move or do anything but feel the pain and terror coursing through my veins. The chill of the night air seemed to be intensifying the fear and anguish I felt, and I felt like I was suspended in time, unable to move or break free from the darkness that had taken over my mind and body.

Near Death Experience (18+) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now