Mother Figure

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Maya smiled while looking at Topanga. They weren't at the same house which Maya had always been part of. They were at the bakery that Topanga called home. Maya had looked at Layla who was fast asleep while she just shook her head.

"Something tells me you are here for a lot more than just the good coffee and pastries," Topanga said as Maya smiled.

"I am. I am here to talk to you about something a lot more complicated. But also so exciting," Maya said.

"Should I be worried?" Topanga asked as Maya shook her head.

"I'm pregnant again," Maya said as Topanga gasped.

"Maya Matthews, oh my gosh," Topanga said hugging her.

"Another one for Joshaya, hey? That is so exciting," Topanga said as Maya nodded.

"I believe little Noah will be happy," Maya said.

"The two of you are going to have the absolute biggest family ever. I actually need a favor from you," Topanga said as Maya nodded.

"My daughter," Topanga started as Maya exhaled.

"Is this about her and Mason not being married yet and expecting their second child?" Maya asked as Topanga simply nodded.

"It's not right. She will never be a Golden, she'll have a different last name from her children..."

"I spoke with her, and she told me that she would still be keeping the name Matthews. Topanga, she needs to bum her head good first and then she can only..." Maya said as they saw how Riley came into the bakery, tears in her eyes.

"Riley, baby, what's wrong?" Topanga asked.

"Mom, I don't know what to do anymore," Riley said as Maya looked at Topanga and walked towards her.

"What's wrong, Riles? Talk to me. Is it Mason?" Maya asked as Riley nodded.

"Okay, come and sit down," Maya said as Riley sat down next to her mother and Maya.

"Where's Macy?" Maya asked.

"At school, I'm supposed to get her in a bit. What am I going to do, Maya?" Riley asked.

"What is the problem?" Maya asked.

"It's everything. We haven't stopped fighting once since we found out about the baby," Riley said as Maya exhaled.

"Some men do feel like they need to be married before having kids, and maybe Mason is just that type of guy," Maya said.

"I need your help," Riley said as Layla started to wake up.

"I'll take my favorite niece to get some milk. Hey, Layla," Topanga said as she picked Layla up.

"Let's get you a milky, baby," Topanga said as Maya looked at Riley.

"I'm bleeding," Riley said as Maya just looked at her.

"Why are you here and not at the hospital? For goodness sake. Topanga!" Maya said as she grabbed her handbag.

"What's up?" Topanga asked.

"Me and Riley urgently need to go to the hospital. I'll explain later. Can you..."

"I'll keep Layla, yeah, go," Topanga said.

End Game (Sequel to No Matter What)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang