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Maya had looked how Layla was playing along with everything as it had seemed like nothing was going according plan for her. Maya had imagined her life before. But she didn't think her life would be having 3 kids and pregnant with her fourth at the age of 23. She had exhaled while she heard noises coming from the windows. Seeing as the birds had flied away, Maya imagined what this new opportunity would hold in for her.

Four kids. All different ages, running around the house. Maya had looked at her 16 year old son who was busy studying for an exam while Jace and Layla were playing with some of their own things. Having kids age 16, 12, 11 and 9 was something Maya never considered herself with. Maya was 33 while her children were her proud and joy.

"Honey, I'm home!" Josh said as he came through the door.

Layla immediately ran up to her father as Jace was picking up all of the pencils that was laying on the ground. Maya had smiled at her two children while Noah was laying on the couch. She exhaled at the sight of her son sick, while her other children were healthy and happily playing around.

"What's wrong, Noah? Is he sick?" Josh asked as Maya nodded.

"Yeah, he is. But he's a bit better than this morning. Come on, Noah baby," Maya said as she sat down next to Noah.

"Come on. Let's sit up," Maya said as Noah sat up and Maya took his temperature.

"It has gone down. He's good. He's good. Probably a virus he got from school. How was work?" Maya asked.

Josh had continued working for the same photography company he has been working with since he graduated college. But after years of working there solely as a photographer, he finally got offered a senior position along with shares in the company.

Maya on the other hand, had decided to go to college after the birth of Noah. She had studied medicine and finally she was Doctor Maya Matthews. Everything she wanted to be. Maya, Riley and Sophia still remain good friends although they bicker a lot and for Lucas...

Let's just say he and Madison are happily raising their 3 children in Texas. Occasionally visiting New York when they get the opportunity.

"Work was nice. You haven't picked up the camera in weeks. Does the channel still exist?" Josh asked as Maya nodded.

"Maybe I'll retire from that. Look at the kids. We did a good job," Maya said.

"We did," Josh said.

"Mama, Mama," Layla said as Maya had shaken her head from the daydream.

"Yeah, baby girl?" Maya asked as she bended down to her daughter and found her busy with a few toys.

Maya smiled as she had looked at her daughter. Thinking how another boy wouldn't be bad, she also thought of the possibility of having another girl so Layla wouldn't be alone. But she didn't know what to expect from the pregnancy. And nor would she until it happened.

End Game (Sequel to No Matter What)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon