My Sweet Angel

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Maya smiled as she looked into the decorated room in front of her. As the room was still dark she looked at the blonde haired boy fast asleep as she smiled watching him breathing. Seeing his eyes open up she smiled as she entered the room.

"Good morning, my sweet angel. Did you sleep well?" Maya asked as she sat down next to Kayden seeing how he had rubbed his eyes.

"Morning, Mama. School?" Kayden asked and Maya smiled.

For the last few weeks he had been excited to know that school was coming but each time when Maya told him not yet he would get upset and she knew he was just excited to see how it would be.

"No, Baby. But today is a very special day. Know why?" Maya asked placing Kayden on her lap.

"I'm six," Kayden said as Maya nodded.

"Yeah you are six. Going to do our tradition?" Maya asked as Kayden nodded.

"Okay then," Maya said as she cleared her voice.

Telling Kayden each year on his birthday the story of how he had found out she was pregnant with him became a huge tradition that she kept going each year since he was four years old. And now each year he looks forward to that story. But Maya couldn't believe that she found out her life was going to change forever nearly seven years ago and that it was still one of the greatest moments of her life.

"Mommy. Will Grandma and Grandpa ever be part of our lives?" Kayden asked as Maya knew who he was referring to.

"Grandma Katy was always one to follow her own mind, Baby. I don't know. Maybe. Pappy K is coming to your party though. And Grandma Amy and Grandpa Alan as well. And your cousins and uncle Cory. You'll have an amazing day, my angel. Just not the same one than most kids. I'll tell you what. When the party is over me and Daddy will take you, Jace and Layla to play in the park. If you're not too tired after playing with Joey and Macy," Maya said.

"Promise?" Kayden asked as Maya nodded.

"I Promise," Maya said as she saw how Josh came into the room.

"Layla is asking for you," Josh said as Maya smiled.

"Okay then," Maya said as she went into the other room.

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