Father Figure

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Maya sat in the Matthews residence watching as Layla was busy playing with some blocks. In a way, Maya didn't feel like she was twenty-four years old. She felt like she was back to being the pre-teen who always searched for the guidance of Cory. Maya had smiled while watching as the seventeen month old Layla watched the two of them while Cory brought some tea.

"Something that could be what you need. How is motherhood treating you?" Cory asked as Maya just smiled.

"Motherhood is treating me probably as well as it can. I feel like things are changing way too fast," Maya said as Cory just smiled at her.

"Being a mom is hard, hey?" Cory said.

"Being a parent is hard. Cory, you've always been the father figure in my life. All across my childhood years, and even now as an adult. And a mother. You are more like my father than Shawn will ever be," Maya said as Cory smiled at her.

"Maya, you are like a daughter to me. And now you are my sister-in-law. That is just something that has a much deeper meaning to me than anything," Cory said as Maya bit her lip and looked at her daughter smiling.

"Do you think that Layla would make a good big sister?" Maya asked as Cory looked at her.

"Of course I think that she'll make a good big sister, but I thought you guys were done with kids?" Cory asked as Maya nodded.

"We were, and after this one, I think we will be," Maya said as Cory looked shocked at Maya.

"You're pregnant again?" Cory asked as Maya nodded.

"I am again. We are having a sweet baby boy again in May. I'm just past half way," Maya said as Cory hugged her.

"That is amazing news, Maya. I am so happy for you," Cory said.

"So are we, and I'm glad that one day, my children will also have a Mr. Matthews in their lives," Maya said.

"I'm glad I can be that for them."

End Game (Sequel to No Matter What)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin