First Birthday

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Maya groaned as she rolled over facing her husband as she saw that Josh was still fast asleep. She smiled thinking back on the last 7 years of her life as she brushed Josh's hair away placing a soft kiss on his head causing him to wake up.

"Morning, Gorgeous," Josh said as Maya smiled.

Josh looked at his wife throwing his arm around her shoulders as she placed her head on his chest. Josh had looked at the clock seeing it was barely 5am while all of their children were still asleep. When Layla had started to sleep through the night both of them had a difficult time adjusting to sleeping more than eight hours again. Layla was definitely Maya's most easy baby but one of the unfortunate things was that the girl constantly woke up during the night keeping both Maya and Josh awake every second hour.

"Isn't this just wonderful? Now, I appreciate these times with you in the morning. I feel like before we unappreciated these early mornings when we woke up at 5 and didn't have to worry about the kids," Josh said as Maya smiled.

"I think especially with Layla, this has been the only time we have alone. I can't believe my sweet baby girl is one year old today. Where did time go?" Maya asked dragging her finger over Josh's bare chest.

"Think out of the window. Will your friends all come through?" Josh asked as Maya had nodded.

"Farkle and Smackle will be arriving at the airport and driving through to the house. Riley will probably be here right after ten, if Macy cooperates with her. And Lucas and Madison are only coming at 11. Strange, Lucas got married before Riley and Madison is just like the nicest girl I've ever met. Remember how she was in December with Jace and Layla?" Maya asked as Josh had nodded stroking over Maya's hair.

"I do remember. Jace didn't want to leave her side. While Kayden ran around that ranch until he got tired of big spaces. And Layla constantly wanted to be held by Lucas. I actually think Layla is looking forward more to seeing Lucas than anyone else. She has a special spot for that guy. We should probably start getting dressed," Josh said as Maya nodded.

"Probably," Maya said as both of them stood up.

Maya saw as Josh got out from bed pulling his shirt that was laying on the ground over his head looking at his wife. Josh smiled as he leaned forward placing a passionate kiss on Maya's lips as they heard noises through the monitor. Looking at each other they were shocked that their daughter was up at this hour. Pulling her robe over her body Maya and Josh walked down the hall into their daughter's room.

"Hello, Layla-bear. You're up early," Josh said picking his daughter up.

"Hi, my baby girl. Did you sleep good?" Maya asked smiling.

"Yeah," they heard the one year old say as Maya smiled.

"Know what today is, Layla? You're one year old. It's your birthday," Josh said as Maya smiled at her.

"I'll get her dressed," Maya said as Josh nodded giving Layla over to Maya.

Maya smiled at her daughter as she got her dressed before she put Layla back down on the floor while she played on the carpet as she cleaned up. Maya quickly saw Jace coming into the room as he had started to play with Layla while Maya continued to clean.

Layla's outfit

Josh exhaled as he had gotten dressed hearing noises from the room next door as he shook his head knowing that his son had woken up

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Josh exhaled as he had gotten dressed hearing noises from the room next door as he shook his head knowing that his son had woken up. He went into the room seeing as Kayden had gotten dressed and smiled. Seeing his father Kayden stood up as he hugged Josh saying morning before he went to Layla's room as Maya saw her son.

"Good morning, Kayden," Maya said as her son smiled at her.

"Morning, Mommy. Happy birthday, Layla," Kayden said as Maya's heart melted seeing how her three children were playing.

Maya looked at Josh as she went out of the room allowing her kids to play for awhile as she and Josh went down stairs. They made coffee as they sat down on the couch enjoying the warm August weather.

"So... Jace will also start this year with kindergarten," Josh said as Maya had nodded.

"And Kayden with preschool. This is actually nice. Thinking my boys are growing up. It's also nerve-wracking though. My children are growing up so fast," Maya said as Josh smiled.

"Let's enjoy the time they are little then," Josh said as Maya had nodded.

As the morning past, Riley and Mason had showed up with Macy followed by Joseph, Sophia and Joey. Maya smiled as Joey and Macy went to play with Layla while Joseph and Mason sat down next to Josh talking about the football season starting soon as Riley and Sophia went to Maya.

"Ready, Mama Bear? Your baby is grown up," Riley said as Maya shook her head.

"Layla is far from grown up," Maya said as she heard the doorbell.

"I got it, Gorgeous," Josh said standing up as he went to answer the door.

"Lucas! Welcome back to New York, man. Come on in. Hello, Madison," Josh said greeting them as Maya walked forward.

"Lucas, hey. I'm glad you could make it," Maya said hugging him and Madison.

"Riley, come over here," Maya said as Riley moved forward.

"Hey, Lucas. How are you?"

Throughout the years of being Exes Riley and Lucas also managed to stay good friends due to their close bond together and Maya found that very fortunate especially since she and Lucas shared Godparents with Jace.

"This is Lucas's wife, Madison. Maddie this is Riley Matthews. She's my niece and best friend. As well as Lucas's ex," Maya said.

"Don't I know. I've he'd d so much about you. Now where is the birthday girl?" Madison asked as Layla come towards the young woman.

"Hello, Layla. Wow look how beautiful you are," Madison said as she picked up the little girl.

"Uncle Luke," Kayden said running towards Lucas as he picked the five year old up.

"Hello, Kayden. Wow these kids grow up super fast. Before the party starts we want to announce something," Lucas said as Farkle and Smackle also came in.

"Announce what?" Farkle asked as Lucas looked at Madison.

"We're pregnant," Madison said as Maya looked at her.

"What? That's amazing news. Congratulations," Maya said as she hugged Madison.

"Baby is due in February. She's 10 weeks," Lucas said.

"Let's get this started then," Josh said as everyone sat around.

Seeing how the guests had shown up Maya was thankful for everyone in her life. She saw as Cory and Topanga showed up with the 15 year old Auggie and 6 year old Ellla. Maya smiled seeing everyone playing around as she saw how Topanga brought out the cake. She heard as everyone started to sing along for Layla feeling her heart burst with pride.

"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, dear Layla. Happy birthday to you!"

"Blow out the candles," Maya said as Josh blew out the candles before his daughter could touch the flame.

Maya saw as Topanga put the cake down in front of Layla while she smashed it as she looked around to all the people she loved.

Layla's cake

Boy or girl for Lucas and Madison + a name?

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Boy or girl for Lucas and Madison + a name?

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