Big Boy

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Maya smiled as she had picked up the last of Kayden's toys that were laying around in his room as the boy came walking into his room. Maya smiled as she picked him up and placed him on his bed.

"Okay, Big Boy. Tomorrow is school. You ready?" Maya asked as Kayden had nodded.

"Mommy wants you to know that I love you and I'll never trade in what I have. I know I had you when I was pretty young but that was a pure advantage. Because I got to do all those amazing things with you," Maya said.

"And have Jace and Layla," Kayden said as Maya tucked Kayden under the blankets.

"Yeah. Good night, my son. Sweet dreams," Maya said as she kissed Kayden's head while she walked down to the nursery as she saw how Layla was laying awake and playing with her feet.

As Maya started to sing You are my sunshine she placed Layla in her crib as she grabbed a blanket and threw it over her. Josh stood in the door as he saw how Maya was singing to Layla before she realized he stood there and went out of the room.

"Two out of three asleep," Maya said.

"Wanna take Jace on together?" Josh asked as Maya nodded.

Maya had walked into Jace's room planning on seeing the two year old busy with some kind of toy but what she did see totally shocked her. Jace was laying on the carpet, fast asleep, while he was holding an stuffed animal. She smiled at him as Josh picked him up and put him in bed while Maya threw a blanket over his body. Brushing his dark hair out of his face, Maya kissed his cheek as she and Josh left the room.

"My best part of the day, definitely when I see how my children have grown the last six years. And seeing how much we've grown in our seven year relationship," Josh said as Maya gave him a soft kiss.

"If I were to ever be pregnant again what would you think? And no. I'm not pregnant. But what if it was an option?" Maya asked as Josh smiled.

"I'll say that I would be happy with anything. Regardless what. I know we decided to stop at 3 kids but I thi k a fourth one wouldn't have been bad. Coffee?" Josh asked as Maya nodded.

"Extra sugar," Maya said.

"Got it," Josh said as he walked into the kitchen.

Seeing as the piano was standing aside, Maya sat down in front of it while she had slowly started to play. Josh smiled as he had remembered the song from Nashville, one of the many ways their relationship had started back then. He went to sit down next to Maya and gave her the cup while he gave her a kiss, this one being passionate.

"I love you," Josh said as Maya smiled.

"I love you too, Baby," Maya said.

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