"What do you get from it? Like I just don't get why Ash can't sort his shit out himself."

"He lacks the brain cells quite frankly. I'll put it like this, if there was a fire, he'd reach for the fuel first and wonder why the flames double in size," she explained.

"I'm sure at some point he had more sense, but he's blinded by his surroundings, he's basically given up and I get a kick out of putting four drug monsters behind bars so happy days really," she smiled as she cleared her plate and popped it into the dishwasher.

Blake didn't respond. His brain needed time to assess and calculate how he felt about it. "Will you let me know the details and where/when to meet you?"

"Sure thing, I have one ground rule, actually scrap that I have three: I give an order you follow it- no deviation, no beef with any of the boys including Luke, I need him to concentrate and three I can make you more rules if I need to, this is my realm Blake, I don't mind you being in it, but it's my way or the highway, understood?"

"Yes, ma'am," he saluted.

"Sir." She corrected.

"Yes Sir."

She smirked.

Demi entered the house like a whirlwind. Within moments she had her laptop and Michael's boosted with the software needed. The dining table was covered in articles, information, maps, images, you name it. It looked like a taskforce board.

Michael was in his element. He had been up since the crack of dawn coding his tech so that it was ready to complete what was needed for the mission.

The afternoon involved a lot of staring, hands on hips or the stereotypical hand on chin as deep thought took over both of them.

Michael had successfully gained the incriminating footage and burned it to a disc. With that alone they'd have 10 years minimum behind bars.

Demi had located the personal addresses of each member plus the location of Ashton's car, a self - storage unit on the most Northern edge of town.

Together they had worked out the security operations used by the self-storage company and detailed the range of the network and where Michael would need to be during the raid to alter the camera direction or alter/erase footage if necessary- however both hoped that it wouldn't come to that. The least amount of their input the better.

They went over every inch of footage and scrutinized every minor detail as Luke and Calum watched on. Ashton had been sent to his room as his nervous energy was putting Demi out of focus. She told him he could come down when food was ready.

Calum flicked his lighter around and around his fingers, he couldn't help the anxious bubble in his stomach, which was unusual for a man of his calibra.

"Vehicle registration?" Michael checked.

"Guy A, EHR 8579, a rotten green Subaru Impreza," she reeled off without needing a second to think. She knew the facts inside out. She could recall anything without the need to deviate from her task. "Guy B had a private reg but from the looks of the surveillance we have that can alter with fake plates, however his is a newer spec Ford Fiesta, easy to spot and just by looking at it, he'll be overcompensating for his small dick with a stupid dual exhaust that explodes with each rev of the engine. Ironic when they want to keep their business quiet."

"Sorry small what?" Michael gasped unsure of how to react. Calum too responded with a raised brow.

Luke, however, turned his head to the side as he sniggered at her superb and flawless evaluation.

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