009 ───── bitten.

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bite the hand - boy genius.

"DO PEOPLE LIVE DOWN HERE?" Thomas asked as they walked further down the hallway.

"The solar Storms forced people underground," Brenda replied. "Jorge says there's settlements all over these tunnels."

"What about Jorge? Is he your father?" Caroline asked, softly. Brenda gave a shrug and spoke. "Close enough. Truth is, I don't really know what he is. He's just always been there. And I've always done what he's asked me to do, no matter how stupid."

After a pause of silence, Thomas broke it and asked, "So you don't think the Right Arm is real?"

A screech came from behind them and all three of them wheeled around. There was nothing there.

"I think," Brenda paused as they continued walking. "Hope is a dangerous thing. Hope has killed more of my friends than the flare and the Scorch combined."

Caroline nodded in agreement. Hope trapped them in that facility. Hope took away Sonya and the others. Hope forced them out here in the wasteland where one of them had already been claimed by it.

They soon arrived at a fork in the road. Two hallways leading away from each other. Brenda let out a muttered "Damn," as she shined her flashlight over the walls. Thomas and Caroline began walking forwards and after a few moments, they spotted lights up ahead.

"Hey, I think it might be this way," Thomas spoke as she and him turned around to face brenda, but she wasn't there.



"Over here," Brenda called out. She and Thomas walked over to her who spoke once more, "Look at this."

"What? What is it?"

Caroline grimaced at the black and red vines that decorated the walls. She shined her flashlight forward, revealing more of the black and red vines. Some had grown into some strange formations.

"What the hell is this?" Thomas muttered.

"I don't know." Brenda replied. Caroline gulped as she saw dead bodies amongst the vines. What the hell happened here?

A distant shriek came from beside them and caroline wheeled around to a large pipe. After a few moments, a rat emerged. Brenda let out a sigh of relief as the rat fell to the ground below. Brenda then kicked the rat away, letting out a "jesus,"

As the rat ran down the hallway, it was grabbed by an arm. They all jumped as the arm raised it to the mouth of one of those bodies that was moving. Causing vines to snap and to release it. All around them, the dead, vine covered, grotesque abomination s because active.

They turned to run but another one of those things were behind them. Its limbs cracked and moved at impossible angles. It reached out a hand to grab them but suddenly Thomas pulled a knife from Brenda's bag and sliced the monster. They ran to the side and stopped behind it as it turned towards them.

Suddenly,  All the monster's heads snapped towards them before letting out roars, "Guys, we should go like now!" Caroline yelled and they did. They ran towards the light as the monster's followed close behind them. As they reached the light, they were faced with the edge of a cliff.

"Woah!" Thomas yelped as he placed an arm to stop the girls. They looked to the side to find two skyscrapers collapsed against each other. As they kept looking. The roaring got closer.

"Come on, this way!" Brenda yelled as she began climbing up the rocks, Caroline and thomas following in pursuit. As they did, she and Thomas watched as one of the monsters pushed another one off the cliff before climbing up after them. They kept climbing and entered the building and looked to find that there was more climbing that needed to be done.

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