001 ───── newbies

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deja vu - olivia rodrigo


a voice called out to him, he looked up from his feet to see his friend minho walking towards him, "we weren't the only maze, come on!"

They walked over towards a table full of kids. Some he recognized. Others he didn't, gladers from the other mazes?

"And there was this big explosion, and these guys came out of nowhere" a dark-skinned boy informed the group as the pair sat down, "started shooting up the place"

"It was intense" another guy chimed in, "they pulled us out of the maze and brought us here"

"what about the rest? the other people left in the maze, what happened to them?" Newt questioned.

"I dont know, i guess WCKD still has them."

"How long have you guys been here for?" the sandy blonde questioned again, "not long, just a day or two" the dark-skinned boy answered before jerking his head over in the direction of a boy and girl sitting across from each other talking quietly, "those kids over there, been here the longest"

"almost a week, their maze was nothing but girls." He informed the group as they looked over towards the pair.

"newbies' staring"

Caroline looked up from the table to her best friend, Aris who was leaning in. She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion and turned her head towards a table that indeed held new kids and indeed, they were staring.

She chuckled as the group quickly looked away upon realizing that she was staring back "when did they get here?"

"A few hours ago, i think" Aris shrugged, Suddenly a voice began to call out a name, "teresa!" Caroline turned her gaze to spot a boy who was walking towards guards, looking at a girl who was passing on the other side of the window. The guards stopped him from going further, they exchanged a couple words before he went back to his table.

Caroline sighed, "well, im heading to my room, see you at breakfast" She got up and started walking towards the cafeteria's exit. as she did, she passed the new kids and made eye contact with one of them.

He had dark hair and dark features, a few moles splattered on his face and shocked painted his face as their eyes connected.

Thomas sat at a table full of puzzles, he was focused until a sweet voice greeted him. "Hello!" he looked up to see a girl around his age with blonde hair and honey eyes.

"H-hi" he stuttered out, causing his cheeks to flush, "need help?" She motioned towards the puzzle in front of him. He nodded but he knew he didn't need any help.

She nodded with a sweet smile as she sat down next to him, "pretty weird they got us solving these puzzles, huh?" she commented as she began solving the puzzle with ease. He shyly nodded with a small smile, "y-yeah"

"Hey!" A voice called out, making her head perk up. It was newt waving her over "hi, newt!"

she turned to Thomas and smiled "sorry, i have to go! I'll see you around, right?" He nodded quickly as she got up and began walking towards the blonde boy who had his arms crossed and narrowed eyes as he stared at the boy.

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