"Unfortunately, yes."

"Not anymore," Demi concluded. "It's stupid and it's going to stop. You free later to take a look at my ideas?" Michael looked quite shocked at her inquiry.

"Well I've heard you're quite the tech wizard so I could use your brain," she smiled as she bit into her apple.

"Sure," his smile was way too eager; it was kind of embarrassing. Nobody ever asked for his help.



"Fucks sake Demi!"

Blake seethed as Demi followed his commands as he checked her over.

"I've told you already, it's worse than it looks!"

"I can't believe he let this happen, what kind of man is he?" Blake threw his hands up before preparing the bandage.

"Who are you on about?" She reserved her anger for now.

"Calum, thought a lad of that size would protect you." This pushed her buttons.

"I don't need fucking protecting," she cried staring at the ceiling in despair. "Just because I'm a fucking woman… I expected better from you!" She couldn't believe what had left Blake's lips.

Blake's chest rose and fell harshly as tension ran thick in the air. This wasn't uncommon for the pair. He hadn't meant it to offend her abilities of course. He knew better than that. She had just taken it the wrong way, jumped to conclusions like usual.

"You know what's funny, hilarious even, out of all the people, Luke, Luke fucking Hemmings, understands," she cried with hysteria.

"When you're ready to stop being a patronizing little shit, come find me!" She laughed exiting the room.

Blake knew better than to follow her. Nobody wants to talk to an erupting volcano.

"Where is the hero this morning?" Luke chuckled as he joined Calum and the rest in the kitchen.

"Gym," Michael answered, which was greeted with a firm scowl from Luke. Michael and Calum resumed their video game chat but Luke was already disengaged.

He chucked his cereal bowl into the sink, and slipped out the front door.

How the hell was he supposed to keep an eye on her when she vanishes into thin air?

He didn't need to ask where to go, he had it imprinted into his brain after last time.

Luke paused in the doorway to a smaller room that was attached to the main gym area. It was a private room with a few bits of equipment in, mainly a treadmill, weights and punch bag. The blinds had been drawn so that only a slither of light shone through. It was just enough to highlight the glisten of her skin. Her usual powerful stance looked small, defeated even as her silhouette leant into and hugged the punch bag.

Slowly, he shut the door behind him so that  it was only them two.

"You just never stop do you?" Luke's sarcasm filled the void. Pushing through the pain, she gritted her teeth and stood up without the help of the bag.

"What do you want?" She wiped her brow as she continued to punch the bag repeatedly. 

"You," he began.

She stopped dead in her tracks.

"..to stop doing what you're doing, I think that would be best," he continued.

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