Chapter 18: A Disheartening Discovery

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O khuda, bata de kya lakeeron main likha,

Hamne to, hamne to bas ishq hai kiya 


A symphony of anxious thoughts echoed within Reena's mind as she awoke on the morning of her wedding day. The day she had long dreamed of, the day she had envisioned with such joy and anticipation, now loomed before her, casting a shadow of uncertainty and nervousness.

The anticipation that had once filled her heart had been replaced by a fluttering of anxiety, a knot of worry that tightened with each passing moment. The weight of expectations, the pressure to create a perfect day, and the fear of the unknown pressed down upon her, threatening to overwhelm her.

As she prepared for the ceremony, her hands trembled slightly as she applied her makeup, her reflection in the mirror mirroring her inner turmoil. The vibrant colors of her bridal gown seemed to mock her anxious state, a stark contrast to the turmoil within her.

Her mind raced with a whirlwind of thoughts, each one a nagging reminder of the daunting task that lay ahead. She worried about her vows, the fear of stumbling over her words or expressing herself inadequately. She fretted about the reception, the daunting prospect of mingling with a sea of guests, each one eager to offer their congratulations and expectations.

And above all, she worried about her heart, the unspoken love that still lingered for Rehaan, a love that threatened to overshadow the joy of her wedding day. The memory of his unspoken feelings, his silent sacrifice, cast a shadow over her happiness, a reminder of a love that could have been but never was.

As the day progressed, Reena's anxiety intensified. The constant stream of well-wishers, the flurry of preparations, and the weight of tradition seemed to suffocate her. She longed for a moment of solitude, a chance to escape the whirlwind of activity and gather her thoughts.

But such moments were scarce, and Reena found herself swept along in the tide of events, her heart growing heavier with each passing moment. The joy that was supposed to fill her on this special day seemed to elude her, replaced by a growing sense of unease.

As the ceremony approached, Reena's nervousness reached its peak. Her hands trembled uncontrollably, her breath caught in her throat, and her mind went blank. The weight of the moment, the significance of the vows she was about to exchange, pressed down upon her, threatening to consume her.

But amidst the turmoil, a flicker of determination ignited within her. She took a deep breath, steadied her gaze, and focused on the love she shared with Rohail, the love that had brought her to this moment, the love that promised a future filled with happiness and hope.

Rohail was supposed to meet her at the courthouse, but as the hours passed, there was no sign of him. Reena's heart began to sink, and her mind raced with worry. She sent him multiple messages and tried to call, but there was no response. Her imagination conjured up all sorts of worst-case scenarios.

As the minutes ticked by and turned into hours, Reena's heart sank deeper into the abyss of worry. Rohail, her fiancé, was supposed to meet her at the courthouse for their court marriage, a day they had both been eagerly anticipating, a symbol of their commitment and love.

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