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Rehaan Bairya aka Rocky

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Rehaan Bairya aka Rocky

He has the degree of law but never practiced it. Has a rich father but does not give a damn about it. Has been in jail for 8 years for a sin he didn't commit and holds his father responsible for it. Before going to jail, Rocky was known for fighting, doing drugs and ONS. In jail, he decided to study law and accomplished it. Currently, in relationship with Rachel. He is with Rachel just for time-pass, nor Rachel nor rocky have feelings for each other. Rocky is a tough and rugged ex-convict. He is tall and muscular, with dark hair and piercing brown eyes. He is always dressed in dark clothing, and he has a brooding intensity about him. Lives in the same building as Reena.

Reena Desai

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Reena Desai

A librarian and a bookworm. Lives with her parents and her little sister. Has an crush on his workmate Rohail. She is kind and compassionate, and she always puts the needs of others before her own. She is also intelligent and well-educated. Reena is not particularly fashionable or outgoing, but she is beautiful in her own way. She has expressive eyes and a warm smile. She is also very feminine and graceful.  She is fiercely protective of her family and friends. She is also very forgiving. She is always willing to give people second chances.

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