Chapter 6: Shattered Bonds

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The night had descended into chaos, with Rachel's jealousy-fueled anger reaching a breaking point. Drunk and consumed by irrational thoughts, she grabbed a nearby bottle of wine and, in a fit of rage, hurled it toward Reena. The bottle shattered into a thousand pieces, sending shards of glass in all directions.

Rehaan, always the protector, acted on instinct. He moved swiftly, positioning himself between Rachel's reckless attack and Reena. The bottle struck him instead, the shattering glass causing a deep, painful gash across his arm. Blood began to flow, staining his clothes and the floor.

Reena gasped in horror, her eyes fixed on the sight of Rehaan's injury. She rushed to his side, her concern evident. "Rehaan, are you okay? You're bleeding!"

Rehaan clenched his jaw in pain but managed to nod. "I'll be fine. It's just a cut. We need to get you out of here."

In the midst of the chaos, Rachel finally seemed to snap out of her drunken stupor, her eyes widening in shock at the sight of Rehaan's bloodied arm. Guilt and regret washed over her as she realized the extent of the damage she had caused, both to Rehaan and her relationship with him.

In a rare moment of clarity, Rachel said, "I didn't mean for this to happen, Rehaan. I think it's best if we break up. I'm causing too much pain."

Rehaan, his focus on tending to his wound, replied with a grim determination, "You're right, Rachel. We need a break from each other. I need to heal, and so do you."

Rachel left the apartment in tears, and the door slammed shut behind her. Reena, still in shock from the events that had unfolded, helped Rehaan clean and dress his wound as best she could.

"Rehaan, we need to clean and bandage that wound. It's pretty deep," Reena insisted, her voice filled with worry.

Rehaan clenched his teeth, his face contorted in pain, and he stubbornly shook his head. "I'm fine, Reena. It's just a scratch. Nothing to worry about."

But Reena, not one to be easily swayed, grabbed his injured arm gently and examined the wound. The cut was longer and deeper than Rehaan had initially thought. She could see the white of his muscle tissue, and the blood continued to flow steadily. "This is more than a scratch, Rehaan. You need medical attention. Let me at least clean it for you."

Rehaan still refused, his face pale but determined. "I don't want to go to the hospital, Reena. I'll be fine with a simple bandage."

Reena sighed, her concern mounting. She knew Rehaan was afraid of hospitals, a fear that ran deep due to a traumatic experience in his childhood. She also knew that trying to force him to get professional medical help would only escalate the situation.

"Okay, let's do this your way," she said, her voice calm and reassuring. "But we have to clean and disinfect it properly. You don't want an infection, right?"

Reluctantly, Rehaan nodded. He trusted Reena's judgment and knew that she was genuinely concerned for his well-being.

Reena quickly gathered some first-aid supplies, her steady hands and experience from nursing school guiding her. She cleaned the wound gently, and Rehaan winced but remained silent, his jaw clenched. Reena was careful, her touch soothing, and her presence comforting.

As she began to bandage the wound, Rehaan finally broke the silence. "I'm sorry, Reena. I know you're just trying to help."

Reena smiled warmly, finishing up the bandaging. "No need to apologize, Rehaan. I care about your well-being, and I understand your fear of hospitals. But please promise me that you'll keep an eye on this and go to a doctor if it gets worse."

Rehaan nodded, a hint of gratitude in his eyes. "I promise, Reena. Thanks for being here for me."

As the evening continued, Reena kept a watchful eye on Rehaan, making sure his wound was not causing him excessive pain or discomfort. She couldn't help but feel a sense of relief that she had been able to help him despite his initial reluctance.

The night had left them with physical and emotional wounds, changing the dynamics between Reena and Rehaan in ways they couldn't have anticipated. In the aftermath of the chaos, they found themselves connected by a shared experience that went beyond mere chance encounters.

Rehaan's injury, while painful, had inadvertently created a bond between them. The broken bottle of wine had shattered not just glass but also the barriers they had carefully constructed around their hearts.

The night was quiet and still, with the soft glow of the moonlight filtering into Rehaan's room. The events of the previous evening, had taken an unexpected turn. Reena, who had been staying with him to keep an eye on his wound, had noticed something was amiss when Rehaan's fever had spiked during the night. She awoke to the sound of him murmuring and tossing restlessly in his sleep.

Concerned, Reena turned on the bedside lamp and checked on her friend. She could see that his face was flushed, and his brow was damp with sweat. Gently placing her hand on his forehead, she could feel the unmistakable heat radiating from his skin. Rehaan was running a high fever.

Worry washed over Reena as she contemplated what to do next. She knew that a fever could be a sign of infection, and given the nature of his injury, it was a legitimate concern. She also remembered his reluctance to seek professional medical attention, which made the situation more complicated.

Carefully, she rummaged through the bathroom cabinet and found a thermometer. She placed it under Rehaan's tongue and waited for the beep. When she saw the reading, her heart sank. His temperature was dangerously high.

The first thing Reena did was to reach for a washcloth and soak it in cold water. She folded it and placed it gently on Rehaan's forehead to help reduce his fever. Then, she sat down beside him, keeping a vigilant watch over her friend as he continued to mutter incoherent words in his sleep.

Reena's mind raced, and she knew she needed to take action. She grabbed her phone and dialed the number of a friend who was a nurse. After explaining the situation and the events leading up to it, the nurse offered some guidance.

"Keep a close eye on his temperature, Reena," the nurse advised. "If it continues to rise or if he becomes delirious, you might have to consider seeking medical attention, even if it means convincing him to go to the hospital."

Reena nodded, grateful for the advice. She hung up the phone and returned her focus to Rehaan. She continued to change the cool compress on his forehead every so often, trying to keep his fever in check. His mumbling in his sleep persisted, and it became clear that he was trapped in a delirious state of mind.

The hours passed slowly, with Reena refusing to leave her friend's side. She fetched a glass of water and attempted to get Rehaan to sip some, but he was too out of it to cooperate. Her heart ached as she watched him in his delirium, his fever-wracked body fighting against an unknown adversary.

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