Chapter 3: Awkward Encounters

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Rehaan had been trying to distance himself from Rachel, but on this particular evening, she had other plans. They had an intense makeout session in the elevator, completely lost in each other's embrace, when the doors opened unexpectedly on another floor.

Reena entered the elevator, her heart pounding in her chest as she realized the compromising situation she had walked into. Reena was taken aback by the sight of Rehaan and Rachel entangled in a passionate kiss, their obliviousness to her presence strikingly evident.

Rehaan's emotions were a tumultuous mix of confusion and embarrassment. His initial instinct was to pull away from Rachel and acknowledge Reena's presence, but the guilt and discomfort of their previous encounters made him hesitate. Instead, he chose to ignore her, pretending as though she didn't exist.

The atmosphere in the elevator became unbearably awkward. Reena, her face flushed with embarrassment, quickly averted her eyes and pressed the button for her floor. She wanted nothing more than to escape the confined space that seemed to magnify her discomfort.

Rachel, on the other hand, was unfazed. She shot a condescending smirk in Reena's direction and continued her passionate display of affection for Rehaan. Reena watched the floor numbers change, each passing second feeling like an eternity.

As the elevator finally reached Reena's floor, she stepped out without uttering a word. Reena's heart was heavy with disappointment and embarrassment, and she couldn't shake the feeling of being invisible, even when standing in the same elevator with Rehaan.

For Rehaan, the encounter left a bitter aftertaste. He knew he had failed to handle the situation with grace and empathy. The awkwardness of the moment hung heavy in the air as the elevator doors closed, leaving Rachel and Rehaan to continue their makeout session, but with an underlying tension that had not been there before.

The unexpected encounter in the elevator had changed the dynamics between Reena, Rehaan, and Rachel, leaving them with unresolved emotions and unspoken words.

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