Chapter 14: A Proposal and the Shattered Glass

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The quaint Italian restaurant they had chosen for lunch was adorned with warm, dim lighting and cozy tables. Reena, Rehaan, and Rohail sat at a corner table, engrossed in casual conversation, the clinking of cutlery, and the soft murmur of the other diners providing a serene backdrop.

Rohail had been acting a bit jittery throughout the meal, and Reena couldn't help but notice. As they enjoyed their pasta dishes, Rohail cleared his throat, and a soft, nervous smile played on his lips. He turned his gaze to Reena, his eyes filled with warmth and affection.

"Reena," he began, his voice trembling with emotion, "I've been thinking about something for a while now, and I can't hold it in any longer."

Reena looked at him, her curiosity piqued. "What is it, Rohail?"

Rohail took a deep breath and continued, "Reena, from the moment we met, you've brought so much light and happiness into my life. You've been my confidant, my support, and my source of endless joy. I can't imagine my life without you."

As Reena's eyes filled with surprise and anticipation, Rohail reached into his pocket and produced a small, elegant ring box. He opened it to reveal a delicate engagement ring, its gem sparkling in the soft restaurant lighting.

"Reena, will you make me the happiest person in the world and marry me?"

Reena's heart skipped a beat as she gazed at the ring and then into Rohail's earnest, hopeful eyes. Tears welled up in her own as she nodded, her voice barely above a whisper. "Yes, Rohail. Yes, a thousand times."

Rohail's face lit up with joy as he slid the ring onto Reena's finger. He leaned in, and they sealed their commitment with a tender, heartfelt kiss. The restaurant diners applauded their engagement, their hearts warmed by the romantic moment they had witnessed.

Reena and Rohail continued to exchange loving words and kisses, their happiness palpable. In the midst of their joy, however, Rehaan sat in silence, his heart heavy. He had known about Reena's feelings for Rohail, and he had hoped that their relationship would take this turn, but witnessing it in reality was bittersweet.

He forced a smile and offered his heartfelt congratulations, genuinely happy for Reena's happiness. He clinked his wine glass with theirs in a toast, masking the ache in his heart. But the pain lingered beneath the surface.

As the happy couple's attention returned to their celebration, Rehaan's heartache grew more pronounced. In an attempt to ease his pain, he discreetly slid the wine glass into his hand, concealed under the tablecloth.

With an almost involuntary, gentle squeeze, the glass shattered within his grasp. Shards of glass pierced his palm, hidden from view, as he winced in pain. The broken glass mingled with the crimson of spilled wine, a secret agony that would remain unseen by Reena and Rohail.

The restaurant's lively atmosphere, the laughter of diners, and the clinking of cutlery concealed the sounds of the broken glass. Rehaan, determined to remain composed, clenched his hand into a fist, concealing the injury.

Reena and Rohail, still wrapped up in the bliss of their engagement, remained unaware of the turmoil that Rehaan was silently enduring. They laughed and talked, their affection for each other illuminating the space between them.

As the meal continued, Rehaan discreetly excused himself from the table, citing the need to attend an important call. He then went directly to his apartment. 


Rehaan sat on his couch, staring at the empty wine glass in his hand. His palm was throbbing with pain, but he didn't care. He was too numb to feel it.

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