Chapter 12: Ella

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"Ella, Ella wait up,'" Chase raises his voice, he runs up to me. His grey shirt goes up and down as he tries to catch up to me. My jaw is clenched making me stop wanting to feel like crying. I hate crying at school.

He adapts to my walking pace.

"Look, Ella. Theo just said those stuff," he looks over at me. I move my attention to be in front of where I am walking to. I just want to get to my first period, get the school day over with and lay in my bed- either quite sobbing or loud sobbing. Just to release the emotions pent up in me.

"It doesn't mean it's true," Chase grabs my arm, forcing me to look at him.

"Can we talk privately?" I question, trying not to draw attention but people around are starting to stare and whisper between themselves.

Nathan appears behind Chase. Chase looks around at the bodies who were busy on their way but are now staring at us. He nods his head. I make eye contact with Emma before Chase drags me away into an empty classroom. Nathan closes the door behind him.

"Theo is jealous," Chased blurts out, almost as if he has been holding it in for way to long- like someone bursting for air after holding their breath.

I give him a confused look, "Jealous of what?"

"Theo doesn't know how to express his feelings," Nathan adds, he leans against a table.

"What does Theo not being able to express his feelings, have to do with me?" I question, becoming confused on how they are linking two things together.

"He gets jealous about our friendship," Chase blurts out, looking annoyed.

"Okay... but why?" my eyebrows cross, uncertainty taking over my face.

"Its complicated," Nathan butts in. I look at him, giving him a look showing how much I do not like his answer and my face betrays every detail of it. I cross my eyebrows, making my forehead cress.

"Then uncomplicated it," my voice getting slightly louder, reflecting my annoyance.

"Well-" they look at each other and then at me.

"Let me guess, it has something that goes against wolf code or bro code," I tilt my head, giving an unimpressed look.

"How'd you know-" Nathan starts questioning but I cut him off.

"I am not that oblivious," I inform them.

"And you are not freaking out?" Chase gives me a shocked look, like he can not comprehend me being so calm.

"No, I am totally scared," sarcasm leaves my mouth a bit too easy.

"I like you so much more now," Chase moves closer to me, engulfing me in a hug.

"Nice to know," I hug him back.

"We have to be best friends," Chase squeezes me gently.

"Sure," I politely say, having the urge to not hurt his feelings.

"Maybe, one of the days after squash practice, we can explain," Chase whispers in my ear.

I do not want to wait but if I have to wait to get a better answer, I do not mind.

"You are going to play squash, right?" Chase questions, I shake my head against his chest.

"Why, your father would always brag about how good you are at squash," he says in a gentle voice, as if he is talking to a baby.

My eyes start to water, "I feel-"

Chase starts rubbingmy back in a circular motion, understanding my feelings. I guess it is true, werewolvescan sense some emotions. 

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