When dinner came to an end, the rest of the group decided to go to a nearby club for drinks and dancing, but Ale quickly made a plan for us to escape, clearly sensing that something else might be happening between us.

"I think I might just head back to the villa, clubbing isn't really my thing" Alexia announced to the table, squeezing my thigh as she spoke, subtly suggesting that I join her.

"Yeah, I think I might join you. I could do with an early night, I'm exhausted!" I smiled, placing my hand on top of hers.

We arrived back at the villa and the moment the door closed behind us Ale turned in my direction, looking into my eyes and taking a tiny step closer to me. She was nervous and so was I.

"Are you really going to bed?" She asked quietly, her eyes darting towards the stairs for a moment before returning to mine.


"I- I- just thought that we could have a drink together, without our teammates getting in the way..." She explained hesitantly.

"In the way of what?" I smirked, slowly walking towards Alexia, but she didn't answer my question.

You could have cut the tension with a knife as we edged closer to one another.

"In the way of what Alexia?" I asked again, now only a few inches away from her.

Before I could ask a third time Alexia suddenly lunged forward, her right hand gripping the back of my neck firmly as she planted her lips on mine, tilting my head up slightly as she pulled me closer so that our bodies were flush against each other.

"I've been thinking about doing that for weeks..." She mumbled into my mouth as she pulled away slightly, her breath hot against my lips

"I've been hoping that you'd do that for weeks" I smirked, tilting my head forward and brushing my lips against hers.

"Oh really?" she asked quietly, smirking for a moment before returning her mouth to mine, kissing me with more hunger this time, her hands moving down to my waist as she pushed me back against the wall.

"Really..." I mumbled into her lips, reaching my hands around the back of her neck and pulling her as close to me as I possibly could.

"What are you doing out here?" Ale asked softly, bringing me back to the current moment as she made her way towards me, sitting on the edge of the bed I was lying on.

"I couldn't sleep" I explained, my eyes meeting her sleepy hazel orbs.

"You're not having second thoughts are you?" She asked jokingly, but the tone in her voice told me that she was almost worried about my answer.

"No, never! I'd marry you tomorrow if I could" I smiled up at her, placing my hand on top of hers.
"I was just thinking about how we got here, it's been a bit of a rollercoaster of a journey hasn't it..."

"It has, but I don't know if we would be where we are right now if it had been simple" she smiled, leaning forward and placing a delicate peck on my lips.

"I know... but I also can't stop thinking about where we would be if I hadn't gone to Manchester... Would we still be together? Would we be married by now? Would we have bought a house together? Would we have kids? I just-"

"This is a lot of thinking to be doing at 3 am baby, why don't you come back to bed?" She asked, brushing a strand of hair away from my face.

"I can't sleep, I'll just be tossing and turning all night"

"Why don't we put something on the TV and cuddle up on the sofa then? you always manage to fall asleep the minute we sit down to watch something" She joked.

"I do not!!" I laughed, knowing full well that she was right.

"Oh, you so do! And I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you, my sleepy girl. Come on, I'll even let you choose what you fall asleep to!"

Ale and I made our way inside and settled onto the sofa, snuggling up under the only blanket that we could find and turning our attention to the television.

"Did you mean it?" Ale asked quietly as she ran her finger along the band of the engagement ring.

"Mean what?"

"That you'd marry me tomorrow..."

"Of course! I'd marry you right now, here on this sofa watching friends if I could" I smiled, before intertwining my fingers with hers.

"How about tomorrow?" She quickly suggested.

"What?" I interjected, but Ale carried on like she hadn't heard me

"Or when we get home?" She continued.

"Are you serious?" I asked, sitting up slightly trying to get her attention, but it didn't work.

"We could go to the courthouse... with just our families and Ona and Mapi of course..."

"Ale-" I tried again.

"I don't want to wait anymore cariño, let's get married and start our lives together..."

"You are serious..." I smiled up at her.

"Sorry, I'm rambling... I'll stop" she blushed.

"No, don't. Let's do it, let's get married. Not tomorrow, because I think your mother would kill us, but when we get home, just us and the people we love the most"

"Yeah?" Ale asked, smiling so widely that her eyes scrunched up and her teeth appeared.


"God, I love you" Ale breathed, quickly moving her head down toward mine and capturing my lips with hers.

"I love you too... so damn much!" I mumbled into the kiss, letting Ale pull me closer by my hips.

"Round two?"

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