✴️ CHAPTER 43 ✴️

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               Final test of love 👀💓

Two figures lay wrapped in each other's embrace, tangled together in utmost love, the night slowly begins to fade away, the skyline yet to welcome the zenith of the sun. The birds, alarms of nature, remain silent waiting for the first ray to peek through the Prussian blue clouds with grace, marking the beginning of a new day.

A few minutes pass as the older alpha of submissive nature awakens from his warm slumber, his throat feeling dry indicates his sudden night thirst. Turning around to detangle the younger's arm around his waist, cautious enough not to disturb the tired man, he strides to the living room. The stairs are partially visible with the lights that are kept on.

His feet drag him to the fridge. The bottles of cold water in front of him, beautifully arranged to look prim and proper have always been enough to make him forget his rules. No cold water, no suppressants, no addictive drugs, no physical stress.

He opens the lid of a bottle with haste, the act of taking the bottle out reciprocating the present urge to gulp the whole thing down, his throat feels extremely dry. His lips feel the cold plastic when made the contact, but his later intentions slowly slide by when his waist gets encircled by a familiar larger pair of arms. His hands stop, so does his heft of drinking the freezing water at that moment. Pressing his lips in a thin line he slowly starts to feel guilty. He shouldn't have done that. It was wrong.

Tae: "Jungkook. I'm sorry"

Jk: "It's okay." The baritone voice of the younger sends chills down his spine. He shudders with the touch of their bodies brought close. The younger retrieves the forbidden bottle of cold from the older, slowly keeping it on the table.


His arms swiftly turn the older around, his strong figure cornering the thinner man, their figures extremely close, mindlessly put into each other's tempting vicinity.

The younger's lips softly touch the other's heated pairs as the kiss slowly turns hefty, raw passion in every ounce of it, Tae gives in to the feeling in his heart. The heat in his body rose and occupied the rest of his remaining sanity. His arms encircle the younger, his fingers gripping rightly on the other's thin nightwear, his legs go weak, held together by the younger with the unmatchable strength in him. His waist, gripped by the younger with force, his body slowly cools as time passes by.

The kiss ends with both of them out of breath, their breaths fanning each other, a hue of rose-colored all over the younger's cheeks.

Jk: "Are you feeling okay now?" The younger whispers in Tae's ears, his tone as gentle as drops of water on the petals of a lotus.

Tae: "Hm." The short answer comes with ease, his arriving rut gets dominated and eradicated before its complete arrival.


The two alphas return to their beds, the younger spooning the older with lenient effort on his hands, his larger palms stroking the dark hair strands of the older, giving him the comfort that the aftermath of an abstained rut needs.

Tae: "Jungkook?"

Jk: "Hm?"

Tae: "Are you scared? For tomorrow..." tomorrow. How kook wishes this isn't the way the present is. How his inner self screams in agony with the realization that tomorrow will come, even if he doesn't want it to. At most he can ignore, stay delusional and self-centered, completely cutting his ties from the outer world. But, will that stop tomorrow from coming? Sadly, no.

Jk: "I'm not." He says, rougher than his intention, his tone comes out. He isn't scared. He is anxious. The final result of tomorrow says whether tae lives the rest of his life with joy, or succumbs to death due to drug overdose. The frightening thought of the latter happening turns his warm self cold, his throat clogs up, it hurts, his eyes sting, but he can't let them flow down.

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