🔺 CHAPTER 31 🔺

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                          Heal him

Jk: "You aren't together?! For real?" Utterly shocked due to the revelation of the truth that he has, for a long period, been oblivious to, Jungkook voices his question out loud.

Jackson standing opposite to him, both still hidden from the world in the dimly lit hospital alley, looks at him with unreadable expressions. Hopeless. The younger is hopeless when it comes to use of sense and brain.

"What in the fucking world made you think that we are? Why did you even think of that?!"Jackson demands an answer. His tone not so gentle as always, his earlier anger that had subsided with efficient efforts and nagging of his self control begins to make a journey of resurfacing.

All this while, from the very beginning, he tried hard to make then reconcile. Biting down his own emotions own sadness, own feelings of love and admiration, he had tried hard to create a step for their reunion.

All for nothing? It seems he was wrong from the base. He was foolish enough to imagine that the process would be easy, contrary to the efforts it took him to conceal his volcanic emotions of infatuation.

He takes in a deep breathe, trying to hold back his rising anger, knowing it is not the right time to have a pathetic outburst. The moment the younger conveyed his view of their relationship. he had least expected to heart it off as something that consisted the word love.

Jackson: "I fucking told you that I want both of you to get back together. And you were thinking of us together all along? What for did I ask both if you to reconcile then?"

He tries to sound calm, composed to the core and mature enough to the younger. He doesn't want to be harsh to the other one who stands like a pit if confusion in front if him.

Jk: "I-I.... It didn't cross my mind..." Trying hard not to give in to the strangling feeling of frustration, Jungkook answers stuttering, not quite sure of what his words mean.

Jackson: "What didn't cross your mind? That I am healthy enough to not ask you to be in a romantic relationship with my supposed boyfriend?"

No more. Jackson can't hide the frustration that is pooling inside him. How much dumbness can one achieve to reach a level of this stupidity? Is it even real?

Jk: "I don't-L."

Jackson: "I don't want to hear incoherent rambles from you. You are old enough to speak clear and loud!"

Jk: "Yes, sorry! It didn't cross my mind Hyung. It really didn't. And even when you are saying it to me now, I still don't want to be with him."

Jackson: "Shut the fuck up will you?! We both know you love him, we both know he loves you and he chose to die in heat instead of giving himself to anyone but you! The results are just in front of you. He is fighting with sickness."

Jk: "Yes! I know that! But we both know you love him! You deserve him more than I do Hyung. He will be happy with you! You are loving, caring and mature, you are just the man he needs to be happy!" By this time, both of them in tears of anger, the emotions whirling in themselves are unpredictable now. Like a lone sepal that has long lost it's power to hold on to the glory of the flower they keep suffering, not knowing what to hold on to, drowning themselves in the dark abyss of anguish.

Jackson: "Jungkook, listen to me little brother, one sided love isn't the key to a happy relationship. Yes, I love him, more than I have ever loved anyone, even myself. But, it isn't a way to get him. He really loves you, so much that he is ready to die for you, brother." He can't explain the churning of this guy, he can't elaborate the burning sensation in his eyes, he feels as if he is being ripped off organ by organ, but he needs to continue.

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