🔸 CHAPTER 26 🔸

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             // - Isn't it time now ? - //

Setting sun crowing the crimson boundary of sky, the immediate symbolic of dusk, the city being decorated with flashing street lights acting as jewellery for the whole of city to make it presentable. The submissive Alpha in his early thirties trudges into the dark house. The day was overly hectic today. Unlike most of the days, he had barely any helping hand except Jackson.

Wanting to not give the new healed Jackson extra work pressure he had to take over the whole of painting Alma into himself and complete within the depicted time limit.

Headache. Both mental and physical surrounds him up, strangling his calmness and serenity of mind. Head in his hands, held tightly, rigidly, searching for the slightest string of comfort in his moment of extreme pain. As the moments pass by, it feels, the pain surges through becoming stronger and more torturing than it has ever been. He massages his forehead hoping to make the ain disappear.

Nothing works, although he has tried to not be attracted to the container of suppressants, his headache forces him to seek for the stress relievers. Reaching to the drawer of medicines where the solemn container of drugs lies in silence, his hand holds it with a visible desperation. Hurriedly dissolving the solvents he proceeds to gulp down. The bitterness of the medicines gets eagerly reciprocated by his feelings of regret. Knowing the fact that this is wrong, but he has no other options.

The second dose follows as well. Washing the used utensil as if washing away the regret he slumps down on the couch again, waiting for the medicine to work, waiting for the other three to come home back. Jackson has suddenly decided to bring a special item for dinner whose recipe he claims to have invented newly. Jungkook is in the job of fetching his little princess from her friend's house where she is gone for a union of power rangers or whatever she calls it.

Thinking back to the days past, he has not been alone in the home for several years. Now that he is, it seems too much silent, too lonely, too much eerie for him to survive. It is strange how a person changes over time, he recalls how his life before was all about himself, a silent love and a silent life.

To live for own self sums up a thousand times to meet the beginning of living for others. He loves to live now, not just for living, but to enjoy every preceding moment he gets. He wants to grasp on to every precious thing that he can in this subtle canal of time, store it and preserve it forever. A sigh is found next to his thoughts, but his headache doesn't seem to erode off of him.

A click sound of the door warns him of another's presence, whom he guesses to be Jackson. If it were Jiyi or Jungkook, none would be so silent in the procedure of entering the house. He fixes his posture as much as possible. Composing his facial expressions to not make the pain obvious to the overprotective alpha.

Jackson: "I'm back!" The fire alpha quickly announces his presence.

Tae: "Welcome back Mr. Wang." The reply comes as a warm welcoming phrase.

The moment Jackson steps in front of the other, his happy expression vanishes. A single look at the other and he can tell that the submissive alpha isn't in his best state.

Placing the shopping bags on the floor, he approaches the the sitting figure with concern. Sitting beside the submissive alpha he enquires, "You don't seem okay Tae. What's wrong. Ate you feeling sick?" Tae smiles at the though of having a person to concern. To be cared off, it feels great. And he has many who will be worried about him now. It is best to not increase their stress.

Tae: "Just a bit tired." He replies, smiling, efficiency of hiding the pain higher than it has ever been.

Jackson: "I really gave you a hard time for the past month right?" Jackson's voice has a guilt, that he doesn't try to hide. If not for him, tae would not be this much tired.

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