🔻 CHAPTER 19 🔻

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                  !! It is not a game !!

Mention of suicide/ blood ‼️ Read at your own risk our u can skip

Today is tiresome. After the whole night of artwork, the submissive alpha finds himself going in the oblivion of heat in the early hour. Excessive endurance, he has mastered it. He needs just very very high doses of suppressants to help him cope up with the endurance procedure.

He is not addicted to the drug, he convinces himself. Although he finds himself sneaking in the medicine even when he is not in heat, he knows it is not addiction. He can't be addicted. Unlike before, the smell doesn't disgust him, he seems to lean into it for comfort. His doses has increased, so has the frequency of his intake. No one needs to know that. He is self sufficient.

The night falls after the tiring day. The submissive alpha stands in the living room, gulping down the medicine in the glass. 9 pills together, in a glass of water, lucidifies the clarity. Like the lost purity of the water, he finds his heat swaying away with each gulp. He needs more. It seems he needs more.

Another glass of water follows, another batch of 9 pills are about to be dissolved. But, his hand stops mid way. This is wrong. 3 pills are reduced, but he cannot sacrifice more. Dissolving them in a hurry he gulps them down rapidly, as if his speed will not let his brain count his second dose.

A sigh of content is released. Finally, life is in his hands. Proceeding towards the kitchen counter he tries to find the cold water in a fridge. After the successful find he drinks up another glass again. Whenever in heat, his thirst increases by 5 knots. Which inturn increases his water intake for the certain days.


Having completed his works in the kitchen he dawdles to his room, peeking inside to check on his baby. The young omega sleeps peacefully like an angel. Pure and untainted. How he wishes her to never grow older. The life of adults is so complex, complicated and abusive. He feels his baby will break down if introduced to such rude realities.

Kissing her a silent good night on the forehead.

He goes to check up on Jungkook. The door of the pink room opens up, revealing a dark room. No lights, no aircon, the place suddenly looks so shrink, his insides churn with a sudden weird feeling crowding his senses.

Ambling aimlessly to the switches he tries to turn the lights on. But, his orbs suddenly trace the bathroom door open, a thin and weak streak of light is caught spying in the heavy darkness of the room. He trudges to the bathroom door, holding the knob tightly preventing it from opening further to respect the other's privacy and knocking on it.

On a que a loud crinkle of a metal crashing on hardly on the floor is heard. The closed walls in the bathroom horribly echoes the resonation. And concern hits him. Pushing it away he enters the the bathroom. The scene to greet him fills his heart and sense with utter dismay.


The clock ticks 1:00 in the morning. With slight movements the dominant alpha wakes up from his slumber.

Slowly opening his eyes, he adjusts to his surroundings. The room unfamiliarly familiar, he recalls he is in tae's house.

Slowly trying to get up his eyes find the submissive alpha holding his head in his hands, sitting by his side, looking utterly distressed. He is back in the room, with tas by his side, he has no confusion to why the present is the way it is.


On opening the bathroom door tae had seen the most horrible thing he had ever seen in his life. There stood Jungkook with his wrists flowing streams of dark red crimson fluid unendingly, a blood smeard knife lying on the floor. Fortunately enough not much blood was lost. Dragging the dominant alpha to the room he had urgently started dressing the deep wrist cuts.

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