▫️ CHAPTER 7▫️

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                The Final Goodbye 🥀

New day, new Sun, partly submerged and occupied in a quarrel of white and black clouds, arguing whether to block or let the sun rays pass through them. Birds chirruping to their hearts level wake the sleeping person on the bed. Squinting his eyes, as always seeing nothing but a streak of blurred light rays, he adjusts his vision.

The room was still new, to new to get acquainted with so easily. The mattress felt a little softer than before, the light rays are a bit brighter, the room is having a different colour, the curtains are differently draped. With every changing step he has changed his fashion statement, room's interior decoration and living styles. After getting up from the bed feeling not so cold due to the heat of the sun, he approaches the mirror as per his habit.

Tae: "Oops, it is not in this wall." He mumbles when he realizes that he was about to get a hard hit on head due to walking on the wrong direction, as his habit of reaching the mirror still is deep engraved as it was before.

Upon glancing at the mirror his eyes fall at the his dark circles, tracing them with hand, he again feels the need to some treatment on them.

Guess he needs suggestions to lessen the dark circles under his eyes.

He turns around to take a good look of the room. His bedroom is surely different, but it is refreshing. He has never liked large, wide spaced rooms in the first place, for small spaces tend to match his introverted nature. He smiles and goes to the bathroom to freshen up. Coming out fully clothed he combs his hair with his fingers, not bothering to glance at the mirror anymore, he strides to the kitchen.

There is no more front door that welcomes him, or reminds him of the ignorance that he has faced. The living room is no more dark and gloomy, the sun rays have permanent entrance to it. The time shows 7:30 am. Being tired for the whole day, he realizes he overslept, after many years of accurate timing of sleep schedule. The smile never abandoning his lips, his stomach craves for something super spicy.

Smiling widely his mind wanders. How long has it been since he has lead a life of no worry, no drawbacks or no negativity?Always having exact and proper meals, getting up on proper time, dressing formally for most of the times, these have been an obvious part of his life for who knows how long.

Let's ditch the cereals. Firecracker chicken is today's breakfast.

Jackson: "Welcome to myself!" Jackson shouts after entering the house, receiving the attention from the other who comes out with his ears covered.

Tae: "Are you a dog?" Comes another shout.

Jackson: "Good morning to you too!" Jackson replies with a smile. For some reason the other looks fresh today. Surprisingly better than what he saw yesterday.

Tae: "Come inside. Wash your hands, I will set the table. What did you bring for lunch?" Tae utters while pointing towards the basin.
A teasing smile crosses Jackson's face.

The other looks happy, fresh and joyful. Why not create another situation to bloom a wider smile this time?

Jackson: "I thought about your health basically. Since you have skipped meals a ot before and barely have gained much of your wasted strength due to yesterday's work. I though of buying a food that can replenish your strength."

Tae: "And what is it Mr. Jackson Wang?"

Jackson: "Bitter melon soup."

A silence followed the whole room. Tae kept staring at the other in disbelief. Bitter Melon soup? For real? He wanted to speak but no word came to his mouth. And here he was thinking of eating whatever he wanted for the whole week of vacation.

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