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                  🌼 Peaceful life 🌼

Silent room, other lights, chilled beer on the table, slowly dripping down the remains of water droplets from it's smooth glass surface. The bottom of the glass bottles creating a water patch just beneath it. The room wasn't silent all along. The two alpha friends were all over the place with words just a few minutes ago.

After much of the persuading, Jackson has finally given the other some chance to think. The topic of the tension, Jiyi. According to Jackson, a family is what everyone needs to strive for. Every day of hard work seems to come to a meaning when someone is there to be with you. The thought that someone awaits your arrival in the house, gives a different level of satisfaction to one's heart.

He works for his family. An aged mother and a lovely sister who stay in his home, they are away but are always connected through the beautiful wishes of well being, hope for life and of course longing hearts. But, Tae to be fairly honest has no one.

No family to call, no one to greet, no person to share his loneliness. Being a best friend, the most he can do is stay with him for days. But, he has his limits too.

He is an admirer, and the fact is barely hidden from the other. Their relationship goes in a very rounded way of friendship.
A friendship of reluctance. The will of holding on to one feeling and portraying the other one. He fears of loosing the friendship, but he is more scared of showing his love. So, what now? A need for family is absolute. And Jackson knows Jiyi is the one.

But, there are several drawbacks, the things that roam in tae's mind aren't very wrong too. The other's deserving proper family, parents, guardians, kids of her age, quality time, and what not. But, Jackson is sure that tae will be a great father, a great role model and a best friend for Jiyi. No one knows the little girl better than this submissive alpha. So many thoughts, so many reasons clouding his mind, refusing to rain down for releasing the load of tension. Messed up mind, empty bottle of beer rolling on the table, a stale gaze on him is constantly felt, but he refuses to look up.

Jackson: "Taehyung. You are silent for fucking 20 minutes." A monotonous voice resonates through his ear drums. He is scared now.

Tae: "Sorry." He weakly mumbles still keeping his gaze down at his clenched fists, that rigidly rest on his thighs. His stiff body denys the constant plead of his brain to relax.

Jackson: "I don't want you sorry." Jackson replies and proceeds to the fridge to take another bottle of beer. Twisting it up to reveal the gaped glass mouth with a fizz of cold, he gulps down twice.

Tae: "I know that." Comes a reply from the one sitting in still the same position.

Another bottle of beer is emptied. The wait seeming to be longer than what seems an eternity of eternity, Jackson finally thinks of breaking the silence.

Jackson: "Alright! It is 11 in the night. I think I shall go home." Ambling towards his work bag containing some uncleaned paint brushes, containing it's own memory of experiencing the act of colouring the white, blank lifeless canvas into different life shades, he proceeds to walk to the door. Holding the door knob, before twisting it, he voices

Jackson: "Oh! By the way, Mr. Chan will come tomorrow, he wants a daughter to care for. As you don't have any need for Jiyi I shall introduce him to the little girl. I am sure they will make a good family. I think he will be better than you as a father." That was the moment when tae could literally feel his heart crashing with every beat. He knows he can not see any one taking Jiyi with them, he knows how much he loves the little girl, he knows he will be the happiest person if Jiyi becomes his family.

But, what about Jiyi?

What if Jiyi blames him one day, for being raised in a house of just two? What if he is blamed for never giving her the love of both the parents that she deserves? What if Jiyi grows up differently while living with a broken man like him? He is scared. The one he loved with all his heart grew tired of him eventually. What if he is not able to hold the another one, just like he couldn't do for Jungkook?

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