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Submerged In Confusion

Silence!! Everything is silent from the moment of reveal. Taehyung is seriously ill, because of him. Everything is his fault. If only, if only he hadn't been the idiot he is,this would never have happened.

Wondering through every straight strand of sanity in him, which too was turning murky in the subconscious part of his head, he laughs at the crude play of fate, that fans him with nothing but hatred, sadness and pain.

Why is taehyung suffering for his mistakes? Why is he not the one to lay motionless on the hospital bed? Why? He wonders if this is how karma has decided to hit him. If the initial punishment is to lose the most precious person of his life, he might as well die along with him. He might as well just stop leading a life as meaningless as this.


But, he is the one at fault right? He is the center, the eye of this whole tornado of crisis that their lives are facing. If he is the creator of it, he can surely be the one to destroy it as well. He can not give up, not when taehyung needs him the most. If doing something for Taehyung has a way, this might be the best time.

His body still partially sprawled on the tiled, glossy floor if the hospital, he glances at Jackson who is standing by his side. It seems as if the older is in his trance of thoughts. His eyes hollow of emotions, face devoid of any changes from the moment the doctor left, Jackson stands there, unmoving.

Wiping his cheeks harshly to prevent the teardrops from falling further, he retrieves himself from the floor with haste. A simple act as this too, seems to take a toll on him, he feels pressured, burdens of guilt and regret burry him down with an impact that he doesn't want to combat, even when he has the power to.


Reaching for the other he shakes the older one, breaking him from the moment of utter shock. He never blames the usually calm and composed Jackson for acting all wanting and unstable. He himself feels it.

A bunch of beads when held together, beautifully portraying the luster of its best appearance with pride, the string faces all the hardships of keeping them enclosed with unity, to beautiful them, to guard them like wings of an angel. But, the string, if breaks apart, leaves nothing but lucid trail of affliction behind. The beads lose their beauty, their shine, their meaning of existence.

Taehyung appears fallen, so do the beads of his life. Absence makes one understand, how much the presence was treasured. But, hasn't he tried his best to make up to all the torment that he has offered before? Why is this needed then? Why is this happening then!?

Jk: "Hyung, let's go meet him once. He is alone in the room. We.... Shall be by his side now, right?"

He voices to the older, trying his very best to appear compose, but his voice has given up the struggle of pretence, he can't hold on anymore. Nonetheless, he meekly starts pulling the other towards the room.

Jackson doesn't move, not for the next few moments, but a swift movement made Jungkook get thrashed on the wall of the wall of the hospital complex. The whole floor, empty, no sound coming to comfort them in the time if nightmare.

Sir, he needs air to breathe. With wide eyes he observes Jackson clutching his throat to the wall, he tries to protest, but his shock has taken every remaining strength out of him.

He gasps loudly, unable to inhale the much needed oxygen into his lungs. His chest hurts, his throat feels the tight grip of a wide palm, he chokes on his words, but he manages to voice in terror, "H-hy?.."

His eyes widen with every passing moment, lack of air tormenting him, torturing him through the increasing feeling if suffocation in his system.

Jackson: "Everything is your fault! It's all because you are a shitty whore!"

Through the tears in his eyes, the Jackson visible to his eyes seems too surreal. The older holds a ray of pure hatred in his eyes, sharp, so sharp that it slashes him down like the finest of knives. It hurts. Jackson has never shown this side of him. Not to Jungkook, not to anyone. When rage conquers his rationality, he is a beast in disguise of a calm man.

Jungkook nods, still struggling, he can't deny any of the accusations. It's true, everything is his fault. He thinks of just letting this life slip off, not in the best way though, it is better to die now. His vision witnesses the hovering blur of darkens around him. He prepares to wait for the worst. But, instead the palm strangling him withdraws itself instantly. He coughs and coughs untill his throat goes numb due to the severity of the attack. His frame slides down the wall and rests on the floor. He gasps out not getting enough air even after trying, he holds his chest tightly to subside the pain in the lungs.

He feels two arms embracing him, tightly, a slight hint of apology in the manner of handling.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. IIt's fine. It's not wrong even if you do mean it. It's all my fault."

Jackson: "Jungkook, it's not what"

Jk: "It's all due to my idiotic works in past. It's for me that taehyung is suffering. If not for me never giving a shit about his pain before, he would not get addicted to the drugs."

Jackson: "Listen to m-"

Jk: "Since I am the one who caused this, I will make everything proper, Hyung. Trust me. I will return your lover back to you."

Jungkook voices with all the sincerity he can master, Jackson will and must get the love he deserves, so does Taehyung.


Jackson: "My lover?" A confused expression enquires Jungkook of the statement stated earlier.

Jungkook nods knowingly, expressing his silent apology of secretly knowing the obvious facts.

Jk: "I know you love Tae, and I know Tae loves you too. I know you are worried about him Hyung. I will bring him back to you. I promise I will."

A wave of confusion washes Jackson over. The sorrow of his best friend, his unexpected sickness, and this?

Jackson: "What in the fucking world are you blabbering?" He asks the younger in shock. The realization yet to Dawn on him completely.

Lame chapter right ? I'm Sorry!!

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