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Talia watched the screen from her little desk in the dark space. Apparently this space was for when she was no longer in control of the body or in remote control.

She smiled.

It seemed like Lexi and Isaac were hitting it off well.
They were dancing every dance. Talking and laughing. Blushing and slapping.
Well, the slapping part was Lexi, but either way it was fun and satisfying to watch.



"Why don't I remember what Isaac talked about, his childhood and all? Did you give me all his memories?"

The system stuttered.
"I-well-I gave you the memories that I thought were necessary for the mission."

"That's not an answer."


"I did not."

Talia rubbed her ear vigorously. Ultimately she shrugged it off with a shake of her head. She could be angry at the system later. Right now, she had a mission to finish.

She looked back at the screen. A slow dance was starting. Talia propped her elbows up on the table, resting her chin in the palms of her hands as Isaac and Lexi began dancing.

After a few minutes, movement in the corner of the screen caught her attention. A familiar girl was walking behind the crew, stereo speakers, cords,etc. She was beelining straight for the stage.

Talia sat up quickly. She had a very bad feeling.

She got up from the chair and walked over to a glowing door that had appeared a small while ago.
Grabbing the doorknob, she turned and opened the door, letting her conscience switch with the original owner.
It was a little rough at first because the original Isaac wanted to stay for a little while longer, but Talia soon succeeded in switching back into the body.

Blinking, her eyes adjusted to the surroundings. It felt weird being back in a body after going without one for 20 minutes or so.

"Hello, everyone! It's me! The poor useless school student!!"

The high nasally feminine voice screeched angrily into the microphone, effectively stopping the music and the dance.

Everyone turned, all attention on the brown haired flushed face girl on stage. She would have been a beautiful sight were it not for the insanity raging in her eyes.

She wrenched the microphone from the lead singer, shoving the older woman off the platform into the crowd.
"Did you guys think I'm stupid?! That I'm WEAK??!!! I WORKED HARD, AND FOR WHAT??!!!"

Talia slowly shifted Lexi behind her as Anna screamed loudly. Her voice screeching with a vengeance.

Without warning, she jumped off the stage, brandishing a knife in her hands before running at full speed towards the four of them.
Jake immediately grabbed Dessa in his arms, dragging her out of harms way.
Talia tried to do the same thing, but was met with strong resistance.


("Get a grip on him, Host! If he's in the body and is fatally hurt, his soul will no longer be able to stay-")

Talia forcibly took back control, physically stalling for a few seconds.
When she was finally able to move, Anna was only a few feet away.

Suddenly, everything felt like slow motion. Lexi screamed. Anna thrust the knife up, aiming for her.
Talia, fighting for control with the owner, mentally slipped, the original owner gaining control of the body long enough to shove Lexi back into the crowd.

Quick Transmigration: FateMakerWhere stories live. Discover now