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Talia reached over to her nightstand, fumbling around for her phone for a few minutes.

After finally grabbing it, she squinted to see who was calling. Sighing, she pressed Receive.

"Dessa, it's 2 o'clock in the morning, you better have a good reason for calling me."

Talia sat up groggily and slid off the bed, walking slowly to the bathroom.

"Huh? Oh. Ok. Yeah. Ok Bye."

Talia sighed again and stood still, slowly knocking her head silently against the bathroom door.

After a few seconds, she washed up and changed before leaving her apartment.

Apparently Dessa was having bad cramps and had ran out of painkillers.

'why call me? Doesn't the woman have a fiance? A lover?
'ayo, my sleep. Wahh'

She felt somewhat relieved though. At least that's one of the good things about being in a male body. No time of the month.

Along with the painkillers, Talia got a couple heat pads before driving to the girls dormitory. She hadn't had any pains in her previous life, but one of her friends had. So thankfully, she knew a little of what to do.

["What'cha doing?"]

Getting painkillers. What you up to?

["Watching people."]

Talia almost fell as she got out of her car. Say it so casually, sounds like a creep.


Talia quickened her steps and ignored the indignant yell of the system as she jogged up the sidewalk towards the entrance while calling her cousin's phone.

All of a sudden, a prickling sensation spread over her scalp. Talia slowed as she walked up the steps. There was only one person during her whole time in this world that gave off a hostile vibe.

According to the plot, Jake was supposed to be taking a breather on the OTHER side of campus grounds. Where he sees Anna drunk staggering around trying to find her way back to the girls dormitory. Then he'd being her back and she would accidentally kiss him.

How was he here?

This part of the plot was supposed to be done already, why's he still here?

["Hmm. Ah, apparently this part didn't happen. He is taking a breather. He just decided to take it over here, I guess..."]

The door opened and Dessa appeared in a shorts and hoodie. Not looking as if she was suffering in the slightest.

Where's the pain? The cramps so bad that it felt like being stabbed multiple times in the stomach?

Talia narrowed her eyes and tightened her lips, struggling to keep her sleep deprived self from snapping.

"I thought you said you were in pain."

Dessa glanced up guiltily at her and them back down to the floor. Her voice came out small.

"I-i was. Lexi found her last painkiller and gave it to me just now, so I'm mostly fine...now."

Talia's gaze got colder.

"Dessa, I hate lies-"

Before Talia could say anything else, her cousin had already stepped out and hugged her waist, like a little child trying to appease their parent after breaking a rule.

Quick Transmigration: FateMakerWhere stories live. Discover now