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Um, did I miss something?

Talia asked the system as she slowly closed the door, everyone's eyes on her in the room.

["Yeah, the start of class. Anything else you forgot?"]

Wow, smart mouth. What I ever do to you?

["You insult me with your lousy memory. Can't communicate with you no more."]

Talia walked up to the professor's desk and smiled politely while suppressing the desire to throw hands at the system.

"I'm sorry for being late Professor. I transferred in a couple weeks back and I'm still figuring the school out."

The professor smiled.

"Your name?"

"Isaac Kelly."

"Let's see...Ah, you're the new model. Well, lucky for you, we have one last designer that's in need of a model. Miss Sands. She's over there."

"Ok Class, today, we're starting a new project-"

As the professor started speaking, Talia made her way down one of the aisles towards her cousin's station at the back of the room.

Dessa's head was down and she seemed to be fidgeting with some fabric, her shoulders slumped a little.

Coming to a stop in front of her, Talia waited a few seconds before leaning over.

"Why the long face Little Cuz?"

Right as she spoke, Dessa's head shot up, her eyes going wide. Without a word, she quickly walked around the table, grabbed Talia's arm, and pulled her back to the other side.

"What are you doing here? I know for sure you aren't taking fashion design."

She whispered furiously, while glancing at the professor sideways with a worried expression.

"Why are you whispering? Relax, I'm your model."

After clearing that up, Talia began to assist her in taking her own lower body measurements while Dessa selected more fabrics from underneath the table.

They started joking and laughing quietly, the atmosphere becoming light and cheery.

"Can you raise your arms a little? I need to measure your waist."

Talia raised her arms as Dessa put hers around her waist from the front, wrapping the measuring tape around.

"Whoops, it slipped. Just stay still for a little longer, I almost got it."

As she wrapped the measuring tape around again in the same manner, Talia suddenly became aware of a strange sensation pricking the back of her scalp.

Who's watching me, 64?

["Take a lucky guess. Hehe"]

Talia smirked inwardly.
The hostile look she was feeling was becoming more and more intense by the minute.
From the plot, Jake didn't start liking the FL until his fiancee had been kicked out, so it would be possible that he had feelings for Cressida.
Even if their fiance/fiancee relationship had been planned from birth.

How about a little provocation? What do you say?

["Popcorn at the ready Host! ಡ ͜ ʖ ಡ"]

Between taking measurements of her arms and chest, Talia repositioned herself so that Dessa would be partially seen from where the male lead was watching.

["What you doing?"]

Just wait.

"Hey, I need to measure your neck. Lean down, you're too tall."

"No, you're too short."

Said Talia, earning a pout and a giggle from her cousin as she leaned down.

Just a little lower, shifting head slightly to the side. This should be the right angle. There we go.
3, 2, 1-


The sound of a heavy box filled with metallic items slamming onto a table was loud, attracting everyone's attention for a split second.

Both Talia and Dessa turned at the same time. Dessa, her hands still holding the elastic tape on Talia's neck, looked shocked and then confused as to why Jake was staring coldly at the both of them, an unreadable expression on his face.

["Pfft, he thought-heehee-you kiss-PAHAHAH"]

Shh. Stop laughing, it's contagious.


After class ended, Dessa glanced at her phone notification then urged Talia to the cafeteria to eat.

"I gotta go to the restroom. You can go get your food and get the table in the corner by the big window. You'll know it when you see it. Oh, I know you got water, but can you also get a bottle of strawberry milk? Yes? Thank you!"

Her words echoed into the air as she vanished into the girls bathroom.

Entitled much?

["The original Isaac doted on her quite a lot."]

That's noticeable.

Sighing, Talia made her way to the cafeteria and got her food. Looking around, her eyes landed on a girl sitting by herself at a table in the corner, her blond streaked hair tied in a loose braid draped over her shoulder.

She was wearing an oversized blue hoodie and black leggings, her sneakers slowly tapping the legs of the chair opposite her underneath the table.

She was currently wolfing down a big sandwich and writing something on a thick ringed journal in-between bites while occasionally taking glances at an open textbook in front of her.

["Stop wondering if the fulfillment of wishes is optional. They're all mandatory. Now go get a move on."]

Ok, ok I'm going.

When she came to the table, Talia put the milk down on the table in front of the seat beside Lexi and was about to put her tray down as well when the milk was snatched.


["What are you doing Host? Put your food on the table and sit down!"

What? No! She's gonna snatch my food too. I'm hungry!

["Suck it up! You're rich in this life, ok? If she takes your food, you can just get some more! Why are you-"]

As the system began an angry ramble, Talia tuned it out and shook her head disapprovingly.

Love isn't something that will occur in the blink of an eye. At least love that you want to last.

"Thanks for getting the milk for me, Dessa. I was really thirsty."

"I'm glad I could help."


Talia quickly stepped back to avoid getting wet as Lexi sputtered the milk she had just been drinking.

["OHHH, Oh no, oh ew-"]

Your attention sure gets diverted easily.

["No it doesn't. You just didn't look like you were listening. And your thoughts confirmed that too."]

If there's some way to deactivate how you read my thoughts, please turn it off immediately.


Will update soon...

Thx for reading

Quick Transmigration: FateMakerWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt