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Over the next month, Talia juggled studies and becoming good friends with Lexi while continuously spending more time with her cousin, much to the irritation and anger of her fiance, who had been trying to get time alone with Dessa a few days after Talia had come to the university.

The female lead on the other hand, was always staring at her from afar with big round innocent sparkling eyes.
When she would catch the FL looking at her, the FL would always look away quickly with a slight blush on her cheeks.

Talia had a growing suspicion but decided not to dwell on it, as her missions were slowly but surely getting completed.

On the weekend, Dessa asked her if she could take her and Lexi shopping for necessities to stock up in their dorm.

Talia pulled up in the parking lot and beeped the horn to get the two girls' attention. Dessa immediately shot towards the car and climbed into the back seat before locking the door.

"Hurry and get in the front Lexi!"

(Favorability: 75%)

Talia rubbed her forehead as she heard the familiar favor update ding.

This girl was falling way too fast. When they first met, the favor had gone from 0 straight to 25%, and had been steadily rising ever since.

Lexi got into the passenger seat and shut the door, trying to look casual as she glued herself against the door and seat.

As Talia drove out onto the road,
Dessa leaned forward in between the two front seats with a mischievous grin.

"Relax Lexi, it's not like he's gonna eat you."

Talia gritted her teeth to keep herself from laughing as Lexi's face went beet red.

If she had been with Dessa in the back, she would have wiggled her eyebrows up and cracked another joke.

"Right Zeck? You don't bite?"

Talia decided to play along. All she needed was the favor to get to 90% then the wish will be complete. She wanted to spend as little intimate moments as possible.

After all, when she left she didn't want Isaac's and Lexi's relationship to be completely based on what she did. It wouldn't be fair to either of them.

"Hm? What'd you say? I was paying attention to the road so I didn't hear you."

Dessa slapped Talia's arm.

"Liar. You heard me loud and clear. I'm right beside your ear."

Talia smiled then looked over at Lexi, who was staring hard out the window, her ears pink.

"Ok, ok, you're right. I don't."

Lexi was about to say something when Dessa interrupted her.

"We're here! C'mon lets go!"

Talia blinked as the two of them got out of the car and booked it for the store.

Sighing, she followed them in.

She might as well shop too. The last time she shopped for needs was a few weeks back and she was running out of supplies.

While the two ran off in different directions with their wagons, Talia strolled through the aisles collecting the things she needed.

["That packet of cookies looks good."]

It does. What's the update?

["They're both here."]


["Nah. The FL is two aisles ahead of you and the ML is in the males clothing section right across from you to the left."]

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