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As the system remained suspiciously silent, Talia put her tray down and patted Lexi's back while handing her some napkins.

"Are you ok?"

Lexi hurriedly nodded and wiped her mouth with the napkins, her face red.

Talia gestured to the chair opposite her,

"This taken?"

"No, no, no, it's free. Uh, it's open, you can take it, I mean. No one's claimed it..."

["Poor girl. Tone down your smile, it's giving her heart palpitations."]

"I'll sit then."

Who was the one trying to hurry things along?

["Touche. I'm just saying, look at her. She's all tense."]

She'll be fine. I need you to do something though. If you're able to, can you make a sweep of this school? I want to know if she's the highest candidate.

["Right away."]

"I-I'm really sorry for taking your milk, I thought you were-"

"My cousin?"

Lexi looked down at the table and nodded.

Should I take the oblivious way or the teasing flirty way?

["Teasing flirty way."]

"You're fine. She told me to get some and come to this table, so I think the milk was meant for you anyway.

Aren't you doing the sweep? Why you here?

["Oh. I finished the sweep already, that's why."]

Oh. What'd you find?

["She's the highest one. No one else is higher than 85%"]

Ok. Thanks.

["You welcome."]

Talia extended her hand over the table.

"I didn't properly introduce myself last time. I'm Isaac."


(Lexi's pov)

I sat down at my usual corner table and pulled out my study notes and textbook. I usually only eat in the cafeteria, but because of an incident yesterday, I didn't get to finish my studies.

As I was eating and taking notes, I got thirsty. My throat reminding me that sadly, I hadn't gotten any drink.

I felt too lazy to get up and walk across the cafeteria, so I texted my friend Dessa if she could bring me one. She usually eats lunch at this time so I figured it wouldn't really be much of a loss on her part.

A few minutes later, a strawberry milk bottle was set down beside me.

Relieved, I took it. I had half expected her to refuse.

"Thanks for getting me the milk Dessa, I was really thirsty."

"I'm glad I could help."

I was so shocked, I spit my milk.

I'd recognize that deep smooth sexy voice anywhere, even though I had just heard it once.

Having inhaled milk somehow, I was coughing like crazy. I nodded quickly as he asked me if I was ok.

Please please stop talking so close to me. My nose is about to bleed.

A hand patted my back gently. I could feel heat starting to rise in my face.

Quick Transmigration: FateMakerWhere stories live. Discover now