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After everything was wrapped up, the four went to the cashier's counter to pay for the dresses.

Seeing Jake and Dessa being lovey dovey as if they were joint at the hip,
Talia coldly turned her back.

Dang couples.

Not eating any of that dog food.

Noo sur.

"T-that'll be $4568.99."

Slightly frowning, Talia looked up as she took out her card.
She could recognize that weak, stuttering, almost nasally, high pitched voice anywhere.

Anna was standing there behind the counter with a cashier's apron on.
Occasionally, she would, not so subtly, glance at Talia's face then blush deeply, continuously tucking a lock of hair behind her ear.

(Levi's pov)

Standing from the side, I glanced at Anna then up at Isaac.

For some reason, a feeling of restlessness entered my chest as I saw her subtly brush Isaac's fingertips with her own as she took the card.

And that feeling began to grow as I noticed Isaac gazing down at her with an unreadable expression.

All I wanted to do at that moment was get rid of Anna and throw her as far as possible away.
How dare she try to seduce him?

On an impulse, I felt like screaming at her that he was taken. That he was mi-

That he was...he was...

He wasn't.

I bit my lip.

F- I couldn't even claim him.

As I was deciding whether to do something or just do nothing, Anna locked eyes with me. 
Her lips curled up in a small but provacative grin as she looked me up and down tauntingly, with a twitch of her eye.

I sneered.

This little b-

Think you're so good don't you?

Without wasting a second, I hooked my arm in Isaac's and placed my head to rest against his deltoid.

His muscular deltoid. Oh so comfortable.

"Isaac, are you done yet?"

I asked, deliberately making my voice sound cuter.  

It's been a while since I've tried. But the tone came out the way I'd hoped it would.

My heart skipped a beat when he looked down at me and nodded, his smile almost melting my legs to sludge right then and there.

I blinked then looked away quickly, my face feeling like it was burning. Doesn't he know how dangerous his smile is?
He can't go around smiling like that at other women.
They'd all ogle at him, and my heart would burst with jealousy.

Speaking of ogling, I couldn't forget that there was one right in front of us behind the counter.

She was staring at our arms, her features twisted up in resentment and envy.

"You ready to go, Lexi?"

The deep sexy, slightly husky voice sounded in my ear, almost making my nose start to bleed.
It felt like fire had poured in through my ear and spread throughout my entire body.
Why'd he have to speak so close?

My little heart will just flop and die at this point.

I pinched my nose briefly and nodded then walked with him to the exit.
Just as we left, I shot a triumphant smirk at Anna and raised my middle finger.

That's right, b-. You don't have sh- on this man.

Talia turned a blind eye to Lexi's actions and carried on with what she was doing.


She carried the bags to the car and loaded then in the trunk.

To be honest, she was feeling a little resentful towards the Mr. Freeloader who didn't carry out a single thing.

["Hey, Host."]

Hey 64, where have you been? This the first time I've heard a peep out of you tonight.

["I was doing some finishing touches to your accessories. Anyway, just letting you know. The university decided to move the dance up to tomorrow to make room for other professional competitions."]

But tomorrow's the day of the fashion show.

["That's not my problem. Anyway, goodbye. I'm gonna go back to what I was doing. You need anything, just call my name. Over and out."]

Talia frowned as her head filled with the noise of shuffling papers before everything went silent.

Great. Way to put pressure on my procrastinating self.

Freakin shucks.


Sorry guys, it's been a tough start to the new year. With assignments, tests, ACT, and making sure I have enough credits and all.

I haven't had much time to update.
Or think about the story.
So, here's the little update.

I apologize. It's shorter than I would have liked it to be.

Next one coming, TBD.

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