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An excited young woman rushed down the hall, dragging a young man behind her. Who, at the moment, looked quite tired.

"Hurry, Isaac, I want to get there early."

"I am hurrying-" said Talia, grumpily as she was pulled around another corner, and dragged in a beeline straight for the fashion department.
"Calm down, it's not like your project will magically disappear or become undone while you're gone."

Shooting her a glare, Dessa ignored her and entered the classroom, weaving around the stations to her locker.
"The earlier you are, the more time you have. And in a competition like this? You know what I mean?"

"Yeh, yeh, I get it."


As she started chattering, Dessa pulled out the box from her locker and opened it on the table.
Suddenly, she went quiet.

Talia stared down in silent disbelief at the once beautiful suit, now a pile of ripped cloth.

What was going on?

This wasn't supposed to happen till the night of the dance.

Did I cause a butterfly effect or something?

["No. You're not that special."]

She frowned at the salty tone of the snappy system.
I was just asking myself a question. No need to be all snippy about it.

["Snippy? Me?! Who's snippy here?!DEFINITELY NOT ME!!"]

Wow. Who stepped in your food and made you mad? Jeez...

Someone sniffling beside her detracted Talia's attention away from the system's continuous cranky mumbling.
Dessa was also staring down at the messy pile.

Her eyes were tinged red, her bottom lip bitten to keep any sounds from leaving her mouth.
Talia reached over and gently took some of the scraps out of her hands as she tried to rearrange them on the table.

"Des. Don't try to salvage it. There's nothing you can do to make it look like it did before. "

Dessa covered her face as she began to cry, slowly plopping to the ground in despair, her sobs echoing slightly in the empty fashion classroom.

She had wanted to come in before anyone else to do some last finishing touches on her project. But now...

Talia squatted down beside her and patted her back rhythmically.
"Hey, hey, don't cry. The situation isn't as bad as it seems."

"Isn't as bad as it seems?!-" Dessa looked up from her hands, staring incredulously at Talia as if she had morphed into a weird looking animal.
"-My project is ripped and torn to shreds, and the competition is just around the corner. What about the situation isn't as bad as it looks?!!"

"Well, don't you have another one just like it? You did say that you finished what I requested."

It took a few seconds for what Talia said to sink in. Dessa went quiet as she did indeed remember that she had an extra.
"T-Thats right. I do have another one."

Talia lifted her to her feet and softly brushed away the tears on her face.
"See? You still have a good sized chance. You got this. C'mon, give me a smile. Ah, there you go, that's a nice one. Now all you have to do is blow up your cheeks and stick out your tongue."

Relieved and relaxed, Dessa giggled then sighed and grabbed Talia in a tight hug. They said nothing for a few moments, then she stepped back and smiled a big genuine smile before digging through her bag for her project backup.

Quick Transmigration: FateMakerWhere stories live. Discover now