Chapter 20: At Friendship's End

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Chapter 20: At Friendship's End

The Lobby, The Hidenburk Hotel, Verdicci, Sicily, Italy...(1665)

    It had been an altogether somber afternoon when Athan Accardi had been forced to part with his future wife, he had been quite confused as to why that had been given his previous bitterness about having been forced to wed her to begin with. He had been even more shocked when Sergio had permitted him to venture about the town and have a bit of time to himself knowing all too well that he'd be shipped off to the Isle of Cantilena once the wedding had been concluded. Athan had thought it best to explain what had happened to Edmond and part with him officially to give him time to come to terms and leave Verdicci before Vincenzo had found a way to bring him to harm under the guise of it being under their father's orders. The handsome Italian noble had known all too well that his elder brother had been vile and capable of anything despite his growing reputation as a governor in the making as far as their father and Verdicci had been concerned. He had elected to write to Edmond and arrange a final meeting with him at The Hidenburk Hotel in their usual room.

Athan had dressed in black from head to toe for the occasion as he'd been nearing the end of what had been the best relationship he had ever had in his young life as well as a friendship which had been longer lasting than that. While he had not known what life would be like for Edmond, he had known that with his father's decree, he would not be a part of it once he'd been sent away to Cantelina and Edmond could not follow.

There was a lingering sadness that filled the air as Athan slowly made his way up the vast number of stairs and toward the all too familiar suite he had frequented for much of his time returned from his studies abroad. The memories of having spent a good deal of time in this rather charming establishment with his beloved best friend Edmond Reeves all the more bittersweet.


Suite Number 3, The Hidenburk Hotel, Verdicci, Sicily, Italy...(1665)

The scent of sweet flowers in bloom filled Athan Accardi's nostrils as he entered his rather infamous suite. The sound of his heavy boots clicking against the hardwood floor had been something he would always recall when looking back on this rather tragic, but necessary afternoon. Athan had frequented this place quite a bit in his quest for privacy and distance from his family and noble heritage since his return from studying abroad. He had wished for the same amount of freedom to be himself or what he believed to have been himself without the constant shadow of his mother's death nor his family's accomplishments being lorded over him. He had even relished the idea of not having to be bothered by Vincenzo's constant meddling with the oceans between them. His relationship with the handsome blond Englishman Leonard Byron Mills and his twin sister Julia had opened up a world of pleasure and possibility for him. There had been more to living aside from duty to one's family and country and horror in the wake of said duty.

Now here he was standing in his favorite hotel room overlooking the vast beauty of Verdicci and the harbor as well as the renovations. He had not seemed to mind the tourists nor the fact that they had been attracted to the area it had been a place famous for its lovely coastline and winemaking after all. Fishing had also been prominent, but the wine had been the main export from their side of the aisle. Athan took a moment and made himself more comfortable as this was to be one of the most difficult days of his life since his departure from home to study abroad. He and Edmond had not been on speaking terms then, but it had been equally difficult to part from him no matter what had gone on between them.

Athan poured himself a glass of wine as the door to the suite had been knocked on. He sat down the bottles and approached the door seeing a rather relieved and still quite handsome Edmond on the other end. He stepped inside, his boyish-looking face covered in facial hair but still youthful aside from the bags beneath his eyes. His clothes had been disheveled due to his hurry to meet with his beloved Athan but he had not taken into account that he'd been rather sloppily dressed when in his presence.

ACCARDI: BLOOD KNIGHT (Now On Webnovel and Goodnovel Coming Soon To Mega Novel)Where stories live. Discover now