Chapter 9: The Perimeters Of Youthful Indulgence

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Chapter 9: The Perimeters Of Youthful Indulgence

Living Quarters, The Hampshire University, Hapsford, England...(1654)...

      Life at Hampshire University had not been all bad for Athan Accardi once he had fully settled into being a student abroad. Between the wonder of his studies and his artistic works and travel, he found himself drawn to the place and felt less alone than when he'd been back in Verdicci. His attention had also been given to his many new conquests in the form of the women who had flocked to him due to his remarkable talent, stunning charisma, and dashing good looks. His being from a foreign country had not been a bad thing either as they crowded him day and night wishing to know more about the mysterious handsome Italian painter taking up residence at their school and their country as a student. He had begun to hang out with Byron and his lot more often than not and showed remarkable promise as far as his studies had been concerned. The letters to and from his father back home in Verdicci had been a source of comfort and steady information that allowed Athan to finally relax among his peers and none had been more delighted that he'd finally done so than Byron Mills.

Athan had begun to make it a habit of painting whenever he'd been in his living quarters and as a result, he'd become quite fond of painting portraits of Byron who had been all too delighted to be the subject of the handsome Italian noble's works. Athan had been more or less preoccupied with the fascination of having been in the company of twins for much of his stay in Hapsford, England.

Byron and his twin sister Julia, whom Athan had been actively seeing and bedding at her brother's behest were almost inseparable since their introduction. Things seemed to take something of a strange turn when Julia introduced Athan to her best friend Rita Hayward.

Rita had been a brunette, slender, and given to rather amusing means of seduction. Athan had found her company to be quite unseemly given her clumsy manner but sought to appease Julia by indulging her whims nonetheless.

When he had not been in the company of his latest love or her rather charming twin brother, Athan found himself given to his studies and painting as much as possible. He had appeared to have adjusted well enough when it came to the culture and traditions of England and he suspected that his father had been on to something when he sent him to study abroad.

Athan had been living with the shame of what had become of his innocence and the death of his mother for quite some time but the new world he'd embarked on had given him a means of indulging in pleasures far beyond his unsavory past and the love of a young woman eager to please him as they spent many a lazy afternoon naked and rutting between crisp white sheets since their meeting.

When she approached him with thoughts of her latest fantasy, he had been caught off guard but aimed to please his beloved Julia and agreed to take on her best friend Rita in their assorted little mix as he bedded her time and time again. While he indulged his young girlfriend's whims, he had only loved her when it came to showing any aspect of his affections.

Rita had been decent in terms of a warm body in which to stick his thick cock and her moans had been pleasant enough as he towered above her, feeling her tightness clench around him as he sought the approval behind his lovely Julia's deep blue eyes in the wake of pounding her best friend's sodden sex while she and her charming twin brother watched the show.

Byron seemed quite annoyed that Rita had been privy to what Julia had been as he stroked his pale cock and muttered to himself across the lavishly decorated hotel room. He had become increasingly more jealous of his sister's newfound relationship with Athan and the inclusion of her best friend in said relationship as he glared at them murderous in his demeanor yet longing still for the chance to replace them and take the impressive thick cock that seemed to haunt his dreams and waking hours respectively.

ACCARDI: BLOOD KNIGHT (Now On Webnovel and Goodnovel Coming Soon To Mega Novel)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu