Prologue: A Love Lost

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Prologue: A Love Lost

The Isle Of Cantelina, Accardi Province, Sicilian Territory, 16th Century...

       Dark swirling nimbostratus clouds began to loom over the quaint isle of Cantelina, a peaceful fishing and export spot ever since its discovery by the Accardi family given to the first Accardi Count as a gifted pleasure island in the wake of the short-lived King Antonious Of House Drakmore, owing them a great deal of gratitude. It had been a home away from home for many an Accardi who had been given to youthful indulgence and passions untamed. It had been just the sort of place for a young Athan Accardi to put down roots while he indulged his lovely young wife following his appointment of countship while his elder brother became governor of the Verdicci Provence as per the will of their father the former seated Accardi Governor. The Isle of Cantelina had been given to Athan, the youngest and most rebellious of the Accardi sons as a means of keeping him out of trouble and the level of gossip about his less-than-savory ways to a minimum.

Athan had also been forced into a marriage by way of his father to see to it that there had been some legitimacy to his reign as Count of Cantelina and as a result, he'd arranged for his youngest son to marry a beautiful and considerably wealthy merchant's daughter by the name of Audra DeSavoy. Though a merchant's daughter, Audra had been much like her mother, a free woman of color and elegant in all aspects of refinement. While Athan initially protested the siphoning of his freedoms in favor of legitimacy as far as his father had been concerned, he instantly fell in love with Audra from their very first meeting.

The pair had been quite the sight with Audra towering over the younger Athan and being three years older than he'd been in the wake of their arranged wedding. She had been pure unlike most brides of their era and he had been more than experienced for the both of them. Her lovely dark mocha-colored flesh had been quite the contrast to his lightly tanned complexion as they danced along the ballroom floor.

The change in Athan had been something his father had no doubt hoped for as Audra's age and intellect proved to be most valuable when it came to their union. Athan had been pleased to have such a beautiful and intelligent woman on his arm even if it had been arranged by his father.

The months seemed to go by in a blink as Athan, the young handsome and devilishly charming Accardi had wooed his lovely young wife and gained her affections wholeheartedly in return. They spent a good deal of their time seeing the people of Cantelina who at first were skeptical about the union and Athan himself but saw how good the lovely Audra had been for him and they became a celebrated couple throughout the isle.

Athan proved to have been an excellent choice for a ruler, kind and fair with a heart of gold despite his vast riches and power given his status as Count. He had been content to remain as the Count of Cantelina for the remainder of his days so long as his lovely wife Audra had ruled alongside him.

Late into the night amid the howling winds and the swaying of the large trees amid the splendor of the night, Count Athan Accardi lay naked beside his lovely wife, Lady Audra in their private bed chambers inside the looming castle that sat upon the highest hill of the isle of Cantelina. Her beautiful green eyes had been filled with a longing for her handsome younger husband as the happy couple shared a passionate kiss after passionate kiss while he scooted her lovely body close to him as the two of them lounged in their shared bed. The crackling of the nearby fireplace had been the only thing aside from their numerous quilts and body heat that kept them warm during the oncoming storm.

Audra gasped pleasantly as Athan's rather rough hand stroked her soft belly. She had been with child, but not yet heavy as they lay in bed relishing the good news and looking forward to what the future had in store for them. The Good Count kissed his beloved wife on the lips once more as she further pressed her lovely body against his amid the warm quilts that lined their bed.

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