||• part 19 •||

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———————————————————————————☆Tom's povWednesday -1:30am

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Tom's pov
Wednesday -1:30am

I tuck Evelyn in nice and comfy as she starts to fall asleep, I quickly grab my gun and my knife, I go downstairs and I see bill.

"Hey bill" I say as he turns over to me "hey tom where are you going?" He asks "to kill Jeremiah" I say as he turns his head to me.

"What?" I ask "You cant kill him alone let me help! Pleaseee" he says as I roll my eyes "come onn" I say as he grabs his gun.

We both hop into our cars and start zooming up to an abandoned wear house, we pull up as we see some bodyguards outside.

We hope out our cars and walk up to the bodyguards "gentlemen" they say "we need to see Jeremiah" I say as he nods and let's us in.

We walk inside the abandoned wear house and see Jeremiah sitting on a chair in the middle off a room "bill, tom what's up you guys" he asks smiling.

"You touched Toms girlfriend Jeremiah" Bills says as his eyes widen "your girlfriend was that pretty ass chick?" He asks "yes." I say sternly.

"Wow man sorry bout that, she was ugly and fat anyways" he says shrugging, I turn my head and punch him right in the jaw.

He falls back off his chair as I shoot him right in the head, bill shooting him in the chest straight after me, I go over to check his pulse.

"Dead." I scoff as Bill chuckled we soon rush out as we thank the bodyguards, they soon chase us down as they see what happened.

We hop into our cars and zoom off with them disappearing in the distance, I sigh and zoom back to our house.

I see Evelyn sitting on the door step in the rain looking hopeless, I tell bill to go inside as he nods and rubs her shoulder on the way past "what's up love?" I ask as she turns to me.

"I don't know.. I feel heartless and hopeless" she says sighing as I hug her "y'know you would make a great Mafia partner" I say as she rolls her eyes.

"Shut up Tom, y'know you were only supposed to be my teacher" she says as I look her in the eyes "well I kinda wasn't since I was on a mission but I'm glad you didn't freak out.." I say as she smiles.

"I always thought you weren't all that, all the girls use to drool over you, yet I didn't" she says as i scoff "You didn't think I was hot?" I ask as she smiles.

"I did oh I did just I wasn't at your feet like all the other girls were" she says as I look at her "okay little pick me" I say as she scoffs.

"I will never be one of those don't even tom kaulitz" she says as I laugh "okay let's go inside its freezing" I say as I pick her up.

Evelyn's pov
Wednesday -2:53am

"Okay let's go inside it's freezing" tom says as he picks me up, we go upstairs as he sits me down on the bed "its 2:53am and I'm tired" tom says yawing.

I giggle as he starts to get changed, I get into the covers and close my eyes as I feel big veiny hands around my waist.

"I love you Evelyn" tom says as I smile "I love you to Tommy" I say as he kisses my neck, I start to fall asleep to the smell of his musky cologne.

Bill's pov
Wednesday -9:31am

I start flipping some eggs as I see Evelyn coming down rubbing her eyes "hey eve want some eggs and bacon?" I ask as she nods eagerly.

"Does tom want any?" I ask as she thinks "probably" she says grabbing some water out of the fridge.

"What's up how are you doing?" I ask as she smiles "I'm okay I guess just abit shaken, but overall I'm fine!" She says as I smile.

"Oo bill! Wanna go shopping today?" She asks "yes omg! I would love to" I say as she squeals and hugs me "okay! Well we can eat then get ready then we can go shopping!" She says.

I smile as hug her back, I get back to flipping some eggs as tom comes down rubbing his eyes yawing "hey tom" I say smiling as he waves.

I See Evelyn Kiss him, i smile as there relationship, I hope I have a relationship like that someday.. I sigh at my thoughts and dish out breakfast.

"Thank you billy" Evelyn says hugging me I hug her and put my arms around her waist "no problem eve" I say as she smiles.

Tom's pov
Wednesday -9:40am

I See Evelyn and Bill hugging, to close for my liking I didn't say anything though, he had his arms wrapped around her waist.

"Okay let's eat" I say sternly as they let go and sit down "so me and bill are going shopping so do you want anything?" Evelyn asks me as i shake my head angrily.

I finish my food and put my plate in the dishwasher and stomp up the stairs, I open the door to my room and slam it shut.

Evelyn's pov
Wednesday -9:54am

I flinch at the door slamming "whats up his ass" bill says making us burst out into laughter "probably a dick" I say laughing as he laughs.

I finish up my breakfast and put it in the dishwasher, i then thank Bill and go upstairs to Toms room, i knock on the door gently.

"Whats wrong Tom?" I ask him opening the door, I sit ok his bed gently and shake him a little, I notice he has some tears down his face.

"Baby what's wrong?" I ask him a she turns around, he sighs "I'm just jealous of yours and bill's relationship" he says as I look at him weirdly.

"There nothing going on I promise" I say playing with his dreads, he sniffles and cuddles upto my chest laying down.


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