I and Jin oppa placed the cake on a small table, and the others gathered around.It was Hoseok oppa  who finally leaned down to wake his children with a soft, "Yun, Mina, it's time to wake up, my loves." Slowly, the twins stirred, their eyes fluttering open. Their faces lit up as they saw the smiling faces of their family .

"Happy birthday, Yun and Mina!" everyone exclaimed in unison.The twins' eyes widened, and their sleepy expressions turned to pure delight as they saw the cake and the wrapped gifts. They giggled and clapped their hands, unable to contain their excitement. In that magical moment, surrounded by those who loved them, Yun and Mina knew that this was a birthday they would cherish forever.

As the twins' laughter and excitement filled the room, Hoseok oppa scooped Mina into his arms, and Jin oppa did the same with Yun, both showering them with loving kisses and birthday wishes. The room buzzed with the joy of the occasion as the twins took in the wonderful surprise.

Yun and Mina, still in their pajamas, gazed at the cake with wide eyes. The cake, adorned with Winnie-the-Pooh, was exactly what they loved. Taehyung and I shared a knowing look; we knew we had chosen the perfect cake. We sang "Happy Birthday" to the twins as they sat at the small table, ready to make their birthday wishes.

After making their wishes and blowing out the candles, the terrace doors were thrown open, revealing a breathtaking sight. Fireworks erupted in the night sky, forming the words "Happy Birthday" in a dazzling display of colors. The twins' faces lit up with wonder as they watched the fireworks dance across the stars. It was a moment they would remember for the rest of their lives.

Following the mesmerizing fireworks show, it was time for gifts. Each family member had prepared a special present for Yun and Mina, knowing their preferences and interests. Hoseok oppa handed them a beautifully wrapped box that contained a set of art supplies for Mina, who had recently shown an interest in painting. Jin oppa gave Yun a remote-controlled car, something he had wanted for a long time.

Jimin, Jungkook, and Yoongi were next, and they presented a joint gift – a voucher for a day at an amusement park of the twins' choice, promising to accompany them on their adventure. Taehyung and I gave them personalized, handcrafted journals to document their thoughts and dreams.

Hoseok's parents, who had been eagerly waiting to celebrate their grandchildren's birthdays, gifted them with a brand new PlayStation, complete with a selection of games that Yun and Mina had been dreaming of. The twins' eyes lit up with excitement at the sight of their new gaming console, and they couldn't wait to dive into the world of virtual adventures.

Namjoon oppa, known for his fondness for unique gifts, presented them with an extraordinary surprise. He handed them a massive Ryan plush, as tall as he was, standing at 6 feet. The twins couldn't believe their eyes as they hugged the gigantic Ryan, the plush's softness engulfing them like a protective giant. It was a gift that brought both awe and joy, ensuring that the memory of this birthday would stay with them forever.

Uncle, known for his creativity, had a special gift for the twins. He presented them with a Polaroid camera, perfect for capturing and preserving their most cherished moments. Yun and Mina's eyes widened in amazement as they held the camera in their hands, already excited about the adventures they would document.

Hoseok oppa's sister, who had always been fond of Yun and Mina, had prepared a heartfelt surprise for her niece and nephew. She handed them each a beautifully wrapped gift. Inside Mina's box was a delicate silver necklace with a heart-shaped pendant, a symbol of the love she had for her niece. Yun received a handcrafted wooden puzzle, a unique gift he would cherish.

As the twins unwrapped their gifts, their smiles grew wider with each one. They were surrounded by love, and it was a beautiful reminder of the family that cared for them.

The night continued with a feast of their favorite dishes, lovingly prepared by Jin oppa and Hoseok oppa. The terrace was adorned with twinkling fairy lights, creating a magical ambiance. We sat around, sharing stories, laughter, and delicious food.

As the day continued, we all sat around the terrace, enjoying each other's company. Yun and Mina, surrounded by their new gifts, were eager to share stories about their day.

Hoseok oppa's sister, looking at her niece and nephew, couldn't help but reminisce about their childhood. She laughed and said, "You know, Hoba was such a hyperactive child when he was your age, Yun and Mina. He used to run around the house nonstop, climbing on furniture, and driving us all crazy!"

Hoseok oppa, overhearing the conversation, chuckled and added, "It's true! I had endless energy back then. I think I even managed to break a few things in the house with all my running around."

Mina, intrigued by this revelation, looked at Hoseok oppa and said with a mischievous grin, "So, appa, it sounds like you were a handful as a kid. Did you get into as much trouble as Yun and me?"

Hoseok oppa's sister couldn't help but join in, sharing another memory. "Oh, you have no idea. Hoba once decided to 'help' us in the kitchen by attempting to cook pancakes on his own. Let's just say it was a messy disaster, but we all had a good laugh."

Yun, wide-eyed and curious, turned to Mina and whispered, "I guess we get our energy from appa, huh?"

Mina nodded, giggling, "Seems that way! Maybe we can learn some of his tricks and have even more fun."

Hoseok oppa still smiling, looked at his kids and said, "Well, you two are certainly keeping the tradition alive. Just remember to be safe while having fun!"

The conversation continued, filled with laughter and love, as the family celebrated not only Yun and Mina's birthdays but also the precious moments they shared together.

Mina and Yun, having devoured their cake and excitedly played with their new toys, were the happiest children in the world. The night was filled with warmth, joy, and love as they celebrated their birthday with the people who meant the most to them.

As the night grew late, the children's eyes started to droop. Hoseok oppa carried a sleepy Mina in his arms, while Jin oppa did the same with Yun. The kids had worn themselves out with all the excitement.

With heartfelt goodnights and sweet dreams, Yun and Mina were tucked into their beds, the memory of their extraordinary birthday forever imprinted in their hearts. The family left their room, the terrace lights fading as they headed home, leaving a sense of happiness and contentment behind.

It was a night filled with love and magic, a birthday celebration that would be remembered by Yun and Mina for a lifetime.

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