253 | Honored Guests

Start from the beginning

     "Of course you did."

     "Anyway, here's the one you requested. I received Keigo's illegal message and made sure to bring this," Marcus says with a chuckle, making Keigo look away from the serfs who were staring at him. All of them know that they aren't allowed to use their phones, so the fact that Keigo can still send messages out is very suspicious.

     Marcus pulls something out from his pocket and hands it over to his brother. It was actually an envelope with a red seal that had the Sinclaire's symbol. To be more specific, it was an invitation.

     Max holds onto the invitation and stares at it before walking towards the lone serf, who is leaning against the door with his arms crossed.

     "Vesper Hugo Cinna," Max says before handing the invitation over to him, surprising everyone. "I know this is short notice, but I hope you can come to tonight's party as my honored guest, as well as a representative...of the Cinna family," Max then reveals, surprising everyone even more. They knew that the Cinna family was the first new money family to enter the prestigious group, Crème de la Crème. People practically laughed at them and saw them as a joke the entire time Vesper was a member. So being recognized like this now by someone from the strongest family in the world is a big deal.

     Marcus, on the other hand, was shocked too to see Vesper Cinna here of all places, but he smiled and nodded his head to him as well, somehow glad to see that he was alright and that he was now acquainted with his brother.

     "I am also aware that you have terrible memories with parties, but I'll make sure you enjoy it this time. Don't worry, Elijah Memphis will be coming too. I also hope you can bring your parents with you."

     Vesper was visibly surprised, and you could somehow see that he was moments away from tearing up. He wasn't expecting to receive an actual invitation to a party where everyone would die to attend. To top it all off, Max personally invited him to attend it. Anyone would start bawling and thanking Max at this point, but Vesper didn't want to show his weak side to anyone here, so he tried to laugh it off before grabbing the invitation.

     "Will there be booze?" Vesper suddenly asks, finally putting a smile on Max's face.

     "I'll ask them to bring your favorite brands," Max answers, and Vesper laughs even more before turning to Marcus and nodding his head towards him.

     "You've grown well, kid."

     "And you've grown old, Duke," Marcus answers back.

     The two smile at each other, glad to have seen someone familiar. But after that short encounter, Marcus turns back to Max and tells him, "We should go now so you can get ready."

     Max nods his head, but before taking his leave, he turns to the serfs and bows to them. "Thank you for today, Serfs Division. After what we did, more trouble will come to us soon. But thank you for treating me well and working hard to achieve what we have achieved for the past week. We might not have reached the 50,000 mark, but I am still very, very thankful to all of you."

     "Just go already," someone suddenly says. But when Max looks up, he sees that the serfs are actually smiling at him.

     "Bring home some cake when you get back," someone adds.

     Max smiles back at them and immediately nods his head.

     "Then I'll be heading off now."

      Max bows at them for one last time. But before leaving, Marcus suddenly walks towards him and touches his back, making Max look at his brother with furrowed brows.

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