Chapter Eighteen ⚠️

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"You're in trouble," Professor Arche Angel urgently comes in to report the recent events. "Students in the 3rd-floor classrooms have to be sedated now. Shifters are out of control."

"They're always chaotic, what's new? And please button up your shirt, seeing your chest hair makes me want to strangle you," Principal Eve Skinns sneers at Professor Arche.

Arche ignores her request to cover up his sexiness and continues to relay the news. "Kenneth Lee is the cause. He's having a heat."

Time paused for the Principal, and her eyes flashed golden along with the appearance of fangs. "What do you mean heat? Was he claimed? Why haven't I found out about this?!"

Her screech made Professor Arche cringe. "Carvalle students mind their own business and don't even bother to tell a teacher about what's going on. Yes, he was claimed. Worse, he's Wrath's."

"Wrath? Wrath from the Japanese Mafia?!" The Principal's mood got worse, too. Her scales flashes all over her skin and her eyes turned to slits. "Arche! Do you know how serious? We're trying to get rid of this God; but getting rid of him as Wrath's claim would cause World War!"

The Japanese Mafia is indeed one of the Unholy Trinities: the three most powerful and influential Mafias which consist of Italy'sLevough, Germany'sSchliemann, and the JapaneseShinji. 

"Eve," Arche says, "We don't need to kill this boy. He's not out to kill us. He's a Reincarnation; he can live without the prayers of humans, and he can live without following them. You need to stop seeing the negative of Gods and let the confused boy live."

"I know for a fact you're just saying that because you're an Angel. You were with the Catholic God and so you're sympathetic to their kind." The Principal was unwavering. "But these Gods killed innocent families just to inflate their ego to the humans. Look at Kenneth who accidentally killed a human, what if he accidentally or purposely does that to a student of ours, huh?"

Arche understands, even if this came from a woman whose heart is stone. This woman has been alive before the war, during, and now after. She has experienced great pain and suffering; she has vowed to protect these supernatural children from the selfish desire of mankind to get rid of them just because they are different.

"We are currently investigating how to safely get rid of Kenneth Lee without the destruction of the whole world," As a reincarnation of the Earth, his death may affect the world we live in,"But now that a Mafia Prince has claimed him, we have to resort to controlling him and making sure he won't grow strong enough to kill us."

"Understandable," Arche says. "He has no reason to kill us, though."

"He's a God. There's a purpose he was created. We have to find this cult to know his purpose; if it's for peace, we may let him live under control. If it's for the genocide of our people..." The principal could literally break glass with her glare. "...we might risk hurting a Mafia's heir in the name of saving our kind."

"What is our short-term solution?"

"He's Wrath's now," the Principal says. "I'm sure he already knows Kenneth's a God. And I'm sure he'll be our frontline in controlling the boy."



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